Friday, January 4, 2008

What is the metabolic abnormality that underlies the characteristic symptoms of diabetes mellitus

What is the metabolic abnormality that underlies the characteristic symptoms of diabetes mellitus?
What is the metabolic abnormality that underlies the characteristic symptoms of diabetes mellitus? A. A failure of the kidney tubules to reabsorb glucose from the urine B. A failure of the villi of the intestine to absorb glucose from food C. The body can't switch from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism between meals. D. The body's cells can't retain glucose absorbed from the blood. E. The body's cells can't absorb enough glucose from the blood.
Biology - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I believe it is E. Insulin, which is secreted by the Pancreas, helps to control the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. When the Pancreas does not secrete enough Insulin or none at all, the sugar remains in the blood. Then the body tries to flush out all of the sugar by drinking and urinating- two key symptoms of diabetes.
2 :
I agree that it is E. Diabetes mellitus (commonly just diabetes) is when your pancreas can not produce enough insulin to break down sugar, turn it to energy and release that energy in to your muscles.