Today i found out that ants were feeding on my urine! I remembered that if ants feed at your urine it's a sign of diabetes mellitus. and today i have a frequent urination more than yesterday.. I'm also guilty that I had ate and drank too much sugar today, i'm just wondering if im having a diabetes or it's just my glucose level is high today? can someone please help me cause I know diabetes is one of the main genetic disease my family have.
Diabetes - 6 Answers
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It's still best to have yourself a blood test to know if you really have diabetes. Also, from the tests your doctor will be able to tell you what foods are to be disregarded due to it's high sugar content. Don't wait till you will have to inject yourself of insulin and this will be for a lifetime.
2 :
go and see your gp. stop eating food which is high in sugar.
3 :
These are indeed signs of diabetes. Even if you eat an obscene amount of sugar, your system should quickly and efficiently bring blood sugar level down to proper levels, somewhere below 100. Since others in your family have diabetes, ask someone to test your blood. If it is above 126 you almost certainly are diabetic. If it is above 100 and below 126 you may be borderline and easily controlled through diet and exercise and nothing more.
4 :
The only person who can tell if you are diabetic is your doctor and this will be after doing blood tests. The disease can not be diagnosed by anyone on here and certainly not on the fact that some ants appeared to feed on your urine. Yes it may indicate sugar in the urine so see your doctor and get checked out. NOW the longer you leave it the more damage may be done,
5 :
I agree with the other answers, but would like to add that you shouldn't diagnose yourself. It is quite possible, indeed probable, that the ants just like the water in your urine. If it's been a prolonged hot, dry season, ants will follow a path to water wherever they can find it. Also, some varieties of ants are more drawn to urine than others. Unless it's fruit juice, why are you drinking stuff with so much sugar in it? Do you just like the calories? Wake up! If you are type 2, then your body will indeed eliminate excess sugar in the urine, because it doesn't produce enough insulin to store what you are eating. Thee are three ways to fix that: 1) take (more) insulin from an external source, 2) get help using the insulin you ARE producing (oral meds), or 3) eat less. See a doctor and ask about having a glucose tolerance test and other related diagnostics done.
6 :
The only person who can answer this is the doctor. Go get tested. Then if you do have diabetes, check out the link below...because I can guarantee that the doctor will not give you this as an option to cure diabetes.
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