Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is the connection of Diabetes mellitus in keratoplasty

what is the connection of Diabetes mellitus in keratoplasty?
we have a case study, the patient has a diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus, and it says there that he undergo keratoplasty.. is there a connection between the two?
Diabetes - 4 Answers
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1 :
Diabetes mellitus is a pretty nasty disease. It affects every part of your body, and untreated, undetected, eventually you will die & younger from it. It does affect your eyes. It affects anything in your body which has nerves, and all your body has nerves. It is a factor in glaucoma, and believe it or not, in cataracts. You can lose your feet from diabetes, and require dialysis due to complications of diabetes.
2 :
Lamellar Kertoplasty is when they change the state of the eye.The operation has to do with the cornea, a common name for this would be called "refractive keratoplasty which means to mold the cornea.Micro surgical has been something that has improved for this type of surgery to be done. Diabetes Mellitus is abnormal high level sugar (glucose) in the blood.Diabetes can fall into two categories either not enough insulin which is produced by the pancreas also known again as insulin. The second type would be in it is sensitive to insulin production Diabetes Type 1:Non insulin dependent, there is no insulin and not enough of it Diabetes Type 2: Insulin dependent it has enough insulin but the cells do not perform normally to it. In both cases the have some things in common like increase urine output that they go to the bathroom a lot. Also they decrease in appetite and fatigue(sleepy) Tests that are done are glucose tolerance test,and the level of glycosylated hemoglobin (glycohemoglobin or hemoglobin A1C). Diabetes Damage To The Body Is: 1. Eyes 2.Kidneys 3.Heart 4.Nerves Overall I would say maybe, it depends on if the patient has been diagnosed as being a Diabetic, if not than the answer would be no. Keratoplasty has to do with the eye being damaged, but I don't know what type of damage that diabetes does to the eyes.All I do know is that it can lead to a person being blind.
3 :
Diabetes can effect the eyes and can lead to many eye complications for more on eye diseases due to diabetes vsit mt free website Automated lamellar keratoplasty eye surgery, or ALK, is a surgical procedure used to correct vision in people with severe nearsightedness and mild degrees of farsightedness. What Happens During Keratoplasty Eye Surgery? Keratoplasty eye surgery, performed under local anesthesia, usually takes less than an hour to complete. A cutting device is used to make a small incomplete flap across the cornea. While still attached at one side, the corneal flap is folded back to reveal the layer of tissue below. Another, very precise cut is made on the sub layer of tissue based on the person's glasses' prescription. After this cut, the corneal flap is placed back over the eye where it reattaches. What Are the Advantages of Keratoplasty Eye Surgery? Compared to other vision repair surgeries: The healing process for keratoplasty eye surgery is relatively quick It takes less time for stable vision to return Recovery period is more comfortable What Are the Disadvantages of Keratoplasty Eye Surgery? While keratoplasty eye surgery is a safe and effective surgery, it does have its disadvantages. They include: For people with mild to moderate nearsightedness, keratoplasty eye surgery is not as accurate as other eye procedures, meaning that its outcome is more difficult to predict. Keratoplasty eye surgery slightly increases a person's risk of developing an irregular astigmatism. What Are the Potential Side Effects of Keratoplasty Eye Surgery? Aside from the above-mentioned disadvantages, side effects, though rare, do occur. These may include: Glare Inability to wear contacts, sometimes permanently Infection Corneal scarring How Should I Prepare for Keratoplasty Eye Surgery? Before your keratoplasty eye surgery you will have met with a coordinator who will discuss with you what you should expect during and after the surgery. During this session your medical history will be evaluated and your eyes will be tested. Likely tests will include measuring corneal thickness, refraction, and pupil dilation. Once you have gone through your evaluation, you will meet the surgeon, who will answer any further questions you may have. Afterwards, you can schedule an appointment for the keratoplasty eye surgery. If you wear rigid gas permeable contact lenses, you should not wear them during the three weeks before keratoplasty eye surgery. Other types of contact lenses shouldn't be worn for at least three days prior to keratoplasty eye surgery. Be sure to bring your glasses to the surgery so your prescription can be reviewed. On the day of your keratoplasty eye surgery, eat a light meal before going to the doctor and take all of your prescribed medications. Do not wear eye makeup or have any bulky accessories in your hair that will interfere with positioning your head under the laser. If you do not feel well that morning, call the doctor's office to determine whether the keratoplasty eye surgery needs to be postponed. What Should I Expect After Keratoplasty Eye Surgery? The healing time from keratoplasty eye surgery is very rapid. It usually takes only about 24 hours to mend. But it may take a few weeks for your vision to finally stabilize. Your doctor will give you eye drops to control inflammation, discomfort, and prevent infection.
4 :
Yes...diabetes is a huge contributor to eye disease and blindness