Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Would YOU Eat Dandelions Fresh From Your Yard

Would YOU Eat Dandelions Fresh From Your Yard ...?
... if you knew that by ingesting them they could: Prevent or cure liver diseases, such as hepatitis or undice; Act as a tonic and gentle diuretic to purify your blood, cleanse your system, dissolve kidney stones, and otherwise improve gastro-intestinal health; Assist in weight reduction; cleanse your skin and Eliminate acne; Improve your bowel function, working equally well to relieve both constipation and diarrhea; Prevent or lower high blood pressure; Prevent or cure anemia; Lower your serum cholesterol by as much as half; Eliminate or drastically reduce acid indigestion and gas buildup by cutting the heaviness of fatty foods; Prevent or cure various forms of cancer; Prevent or control diabetes mellitus; AND MOST PEOPLE GET RID OF THEM AND CALL THEM NASTY WEEDS!
Alternative Medicine - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
heeeellll no. i would need some serious convincing to believe it. but no.
2 :
sure thang luv ...... eat the leaves like spinach... steamed...... they bolster liver functioning and thus act as a superb detox ........ or dandelion tea ..... bypasses the digestion and gets absorbed straight into your bloodstream ........ that with nettle tea ...... and a teaspoon of raw honey ....... yummmm .... fabulous stuff hey....... so long as its free of pesticides and other nasty chemicals. ensure you still drink loads of water as they are also a fabulous natural diuretic. peace baby ♥
3 :
No, but I would go down and get the tincture at the natural store. I would not trust what is out here considering the spray and dogs pee and poop near them-yuck. I would rather they are grown specifically for this purpose in a clean environment.
4 :
You know what works better? Mashing them up in a stone grinder and adding the paste to a fruit smoothie, it is the best thing ever, i love it.
5 :
yes, I have and also harvest red clover, plantain and violets right outside the door. And many herbs/plants/wild foods from the fields and woods too in my life. But they are pretty cheap to buy..the ones in my fridge from Kroger just cost 1.29 lb I always liked dandelions even as a little girls and never thought them weeds but pretty flowers that look cool in a field or lawn personally. As a child I loved flowers an picking them and this helped me later in life to identify them easier for wild foods or medicines. the more I learn about the astounding power of so many plants, the more in awe I am of this creation of ours and the creator who put all these healing chemicals in them. I never heard the helped diabetes though hmm the cool thing about herbs is that many cures many types of ills not just one (although some are specific to an organ like milk thistle for the liver, ginkgo for the brain or hawthorne for the heart)..this is cause herbs go tot he root cause and fix the problem causing various symptoms (which doctors call each a disease)...they also unlike drugs work organically with our body.. The dandelion is a particularly mighty plant. would most people eat them..on this forum perhaps but in general no..the average person does not want to fix their own health but rather go to an doctor and say give me some pill to heal me (after I got sick with my crappy lifestyle) the more you study herbs the more amazing it is what a gift they are to man and beast

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