Monday, December 28, 2009

If one has diabetes mellitus, glucose can NOT enter cells right

If one has diabetes mellitus, glucose can NOT enter cells right?
If one has diabetes melliyus, glucose can NOT enter cells right? Instead it accumulates in the blood plasma.. which of these statements WOULD BE TRUE? 1. The concentration of the plasma would decrease 2. The osmotic presure will stay the same. 3. Water would move out of the tissues into plamsa... 4 Tissue cells would swell.... In my opinion.... 1 would be the true answer because the concentration of the glucose wouldnt be able to absorb into the cells due to such a high concentration right???Energy of cells would come to a stop. BUT,for number 3... ( yes i skipped 2) for 3,during high levels of glucose isnt energy immobilized... Glucose is a larger molecule wouldnt it need facilitated diffusion to be transported across a cells membrane? and my answer for #4 would be.. Im thinking this would cause a cell to burst (hemolysis) and cause severe damage to many organs and organ systems..this is why i think this would be true as well I wonder if there is more than one answer
Diabetes - 1 Answers
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Number 3 is right! The plasma concentration would increase with the glycated hemaglobin circulating in it. Water would move into the blood (out of the cells) to try to dilute it. This is what causes the dehydration of diabetes. Tissue cells shrink.

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