Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What is the name of the medical condition of an asthmatic patient with a blood pH of 7.30

What is the name of the medical condition of an asthmatic patient with a blood pH of 7.30?
A. respiratory acidosis B. respiratory alkalosis C. metabolic acidosis D. metabolic alkalosis E. diabetes mellitus
Medicine - 2 Answers
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Normal blood pH is usually kept within the narrow range of 7.35-7.45 so in the case of the asthmatic patient, he is not getting enough oxygen and CO2 is building up making the blood more acidic so respiratory acidosis, A. Respiatory alkalosis is the result of hyperventilation, someone is inhaling lots of oxygen and breathing out lots of CO2 so the blood pH rises. That is why people are supposed to breath into a paper bag to breath in more CO2. People with Type 1 Diabetes may suffer from ketoacidosis which is the buildup of acid due to the inability to properly metabolize glucose. This answer doesn't make sense because it doesn't have anything to do with asthma. metabolic acidosis is caused by an error of metabolism (increase in H+ perhaps caused by inability to breakdown molecules such as glucose or by the body's inability to produce bicarbonate).

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