Friday, December 28, 2012

Difficult neurology MCQ

Difficult neurology MCQ?
A 35 year old woman comes to see a physician because of intermittent tingling and numbness of her feet during the past 6 months. She has a 30 year history of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Sensation of joint position is decreased in the toes and ankles, and vibration sense is decreased in the feet. There are decreased ankle jerks bilaterally. Pathologic changes of which of the following most likely occured in this patient? A. Dorsal Columns of the spinal cord B. Large- diameter axons of the distal portions of peripheral nerves C. Motoneurons of the lumbosacral spinal cord D. Spinocerebellar tracts of the spinal cord E. Spinothalamic tract neurons of the dorsal horn
Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
Answer is B. Patients with diabetes suffer localized, not spinal damager from the disease. Both small and large diameter axons are affected, but larger are affected more greatly due to the microvascular changes and basement membrane thickening due to AGE (sugar product buildup) damage in the vasculature. Diabetes does not typically directly affect spinal columns/nerves. Diabetic neuropathy is a peripheral disease.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Question About Nursing Diagnosis

Question About Nursing Diagnosis?
I have to do 3 nursing diagnoses about Diabetes Mellitus. There are three parts to it.....Stem, Related To, and As Evidenced By....but when it is for risk, there is only two parts and AEB is left out. 1.) Risk for injury r/t nerve damage and loss of sensation 2.) Constipation r/t intestinal nerve damage AEB prolonged periods without defecation 3.) Risk for infection r/t poor circulation and impaired immune system I wrote these but I'm not sure about the R/T because I don't know if it should be common sense answers (such as dehydration for constipation) or if I can write nerve damage even though I don't know 100% because I'm not a doctor....I looked up the information online though. Could you guys please help me? :) Thanks
Medicine - 3 Answers
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1 :
1 - yes, AEB foot ulcerations 2 - yes, but r/t gastric/intestinal artery damage AEB constant nausea 3 - not really go for something like renal failure or blindness
2 :
a risk cant have a r/t since its still going to happen. And it doesnt require as evidence by and cues. Your intervention will be directed on preventive measures. The constipation can be related to decreased peristalsis secondary to alteration of GI function, to make it more non-MD statement. the AEB is okay, but indicate the span of time or days since you cant say its constipation if its not 3 or 4 days without passage.
3 :
Diabetics will have peripheral neuropathy. They are susceptible to infection and have impaired immune system.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Liver enzyme test came back slightly elevated

Liver enzyme test came back slightly elevated?
So I have had an elevation of liver enzymes for about three months now and I am getting worried that it may be fatty liver (non alcoholic). I recently had an ectopic pregnancy and then a tubal ligation to remove it. Due to the excessive imbalance of hormones I put on a lot of water weight and sometimes take spironolactone/aldactezide to shed the water, which may be elevating the liver enzyme level. I still experience getting puffy in my feet, legs and arms. What can I do to balance out my hormones, and how can I make sure not to continue having elevated liver enzymes? I fear diabetes mellitus. Yes, I am overweight too. Please advise.
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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i think the first answer you got was spam. there are different reasons for an elevated liver enz. yeah it could be fatty liver. but also consider all the medications you take. do you take any Tylenol or asprin. your liver enz can be acutely elevated following a procedure. also how elevated are the liver enz, if its slightly elevated then its not too bad. most hospitals have different standards regarding enz levels. however if your AST ALT are in the thousands then you have a problem. remember any injury, like surgery, can increase these enz. about your weight. get checked up for your blood sugar levels as soon as you can. its really important to control your blood sugar levels. most people have elevated sugar levels for years before getting diagnosed with diabetes. for these people the next step is to get their eyes, heart, and whole body examined for complication of diabetes. i know its scary. but the sooner you know, the sooner you can control it. good luck. take care.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

What is your opinion of this definition of science based medicine

What is your opinion of this definition of science based medicine?
First let me say that I'm posting this question here because many alt-med skeptics hang out here and I could use their help in refining this definition. I'm sick of the subtle attacks on science based medicine through the use of words like allopathy, conventional, traditional, etc, and we need a definition of our field that is thorough, correct, and exclusive of quackery. Here is my proposed definition of science based medicine: Medical practices which are: 1.) Directly supported by strong empirical evidence, and a plausible underlying physical theory that is generally accepted by the scientific community or 2.) Are based on physical theories which are supported by strong empirical evidence and a general consensus of the scientific community, and have an underlying physical mechanism that is plausible given current accepted physical theories. This definition would cover both treatment methods that have been directly studied, such as the use of insulin to treat type I diabetes mellitus, and innovative treatments that rest on sound scientific knowledge and can be used in atypical cases. This might include off label drug use that could plausibly work based on the drug's known pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties as well as the collective knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology, or it could include new types of surgery that are plausible because they are based on a sound understanding of modern science. I considered eliminating the word physical, but I mean it in the broad sense of physical sciences. This is therefore inclusive of physics and all sciences based on its accepted theories, including the chemical and biological sciences. Dr. T: The inclusion a general consensus of part 1 was for established methods of intervention. I fully understand that medicine is in many ways a scientific frontier; this is why I included the second part of the definition which I feel allows for experimental techniques that are firmly grounded accepted physical theories to be included in my definition of science based medicine. This means that proposed methods cannot be based on underlying theories that are not generally accepted. An example of this is homeopathy, which has as its underlying foundation the concept of water having a 'memory'. This concept is not supported by current physical theories, thus the implementation of homeopathic remedies cannot be considered science based medicine. Alt, nothing what you have said contributed to this discussion in the slightest manner. Lightning: Many facets of Osteopathic medicine fit into this definition, but many don't. One example is craniosacral therapy. There is no accepted theoretical foundation, nor is there any supporting evidence for craniosacral therapy. Seeing as no portion of my definition states that only doctors can test new plausible theories, I don't see why you even asked this question. My definition has the sole restriction of using the scientific method, and restricting new therapies to those grounded in generally accepted physical theories. Thus any therapy that has its foundation in the existence of invisible energy fields that violate known laws of physics and have never been detected by instrumentation far more sensitive than human senses cannot be considered science based medicine. Lightning: You've made many claims that will require much time to address that I simply do not have right now. I invite others to do so. I will, however, address what I can quickly. You have illogically applied known facts in an effort to refute my statement about undetctable energy fields. In every case you cited regarding humans with seemingly superhuman sensory perception, there exists equipment capable of detecting the same anomaly more than just equally well; it can do it far better. You say an engineer can detect imperfections on the order of 10^-3 inches with his fingers (likely hyperbole, but I'll bite). The existence of imperfectly flat surfaces can be explained using accepted physical theory (atomic theory and its derivatives) and they can be detected on scales far below 10^-3 inches with modern equipment. Atomic force microscopes can view the surface of a steel plate and see imperfections on the order of angstroms (10^-10 meters). While modern technology can detect rythm... s in the head, these rythms are not those that proponents of craniosacral manipulation claim exis and can be detected by only those trained to detect them. As I said, modern technology is far more capable than human perception at detecting energy fields. Similar arguments can cover the rest of your post. Modena instruments can detect palpable changes far better than a human, although they are not feasible in a clinic. In addition, what a clinician is palpating for can easily be shown to exist. The cranial rythm you speak of cannot. As far as the wine taster is concerened, I inIvte you to compare his ability to those of an analytical chemist with an HPLC-MS. Forgive my atrocious grammar. I posted my last responses from my phone Lightning: Lightning: The opinions in those papers are what's generally accepted in the scientific community. They cite numerous relevant papers that reflect the general knowledge of anatomists, physiologists, and related researchers. The fact that you would choose to dismiss that evidence for apparently no reason other than it challenges your opinion shows your contempt for actual evidence and demonstrates that you do not practice science based medicine. SkepDoc: Thank you for the friendly advice. My reason for responding to lightning was to prevent readers from assuming that his posts have merit. His blatant disregard for legitimate evidence, his pension for semantic wordplay and fact distortion, and his contempt for science based medicine are now clearly obvious too all those who have yet to sip the quack-aid.
Alternative Medicine - 6 Answers
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1 :
Not bad; I would eliminate the word "physical" though: I think it's too restricting, the way I understand it. Chemical, bio-chemical, bio-social, biological, etc... - rather than enumerating all, just say "theories", "underlying mechanism"
2 :
If you are a regular visitor to the Science Based Medicine blog, you will know they talk about this a lot. The whole point of SBM, was that the Evidence Based Medicine movement that started in the 1980's, while very worthy, ignored the prior plausibility of treatments. This wasn't a huge problem when things that made sense, or fit in with scientific knowledge were being studied. They had often been adopted because they were plausible, though evidence was lacking. The big problem is when EBM protocols are applied to implausible things....just the fact we use a p value of 0.05, means that 1/20 times...something under study may show a positive result just from random chance, and that is where so many of the "positive" altmed studies emerged. What SBM states, is that implausible things...things that go against common scientific concepts or knowledge (eg homeopathy, "energy" medicine etc) need to be held to a higher standard of evidence than things that already fit within a solid scientific framework. So, my definition would be any practice that is scientifically plausible, and supported by rigorous scientific testing. ======================= You've made the mistake of engaging Lightning in a is a waste of time. He never acknowledges when he's been bested and always has to get the last word. ===================== Dr of the few Alties on this board who gives reasonable answers. Unfortunately...while YOU may practice EBM ( I note you didn't say SBM...and note the difference) the majority of naturopaths whom I have dealt with do practice an awful lot of woo...and deserve the title of quack. Altie, is just a term of endearment, and I never mean it in a pejorative way. You talk about the line in the sand, and what separates us is evidence. If there is no reason to beleive something should work (ie is implausibile based on known scientific facts and principles) and there is no evidence it does work...then that is "alternative"
3 :
so-called science that seeks to sweep the manifestations of illness under the rug by doping the patient, by consensus or not, is quackery.
4 :
I'd agree with this definition, but for the phrase "and a general consensus of the scientific community." The general consensus takes a lot longer to form - unfortunately, often a LOT longer than it takes for the weight of the evidence to accumulate. This is partially because the "scientific community" at large has neither the time nor (often) the inclination to earnestly investigate the ongoing, ever-evolving frontiers of medical interventions. Especially the frontiers on the fringes of generally accepted norms. But then, I practice evidence based medicine, so it's no surprise that I should agree with the definition! ;) What's interesting to me is that, despite my science background and the fact that I practice science-based medicine, by most accounts I still fall within the "ALTERNATIVE" paradigm. This suggests that science is not really how we define "alternative" vs. "conventional." And therein lies the crux. Science and skepticism, by their very nature and definition, are supposed to be about curiosity and the pursuit of understanding the very boundaries of what is "known" or accepted and that which remains still a mystery. Unfortunately, disparaging terminology is hardly reserved for conventional medicine! (Eg: "altie" and "quack") I think we get too hung up on labeling. We use terminology to draw imaginary lines in the sand between "us" and "them"... and then use those lines to create blanket statements that support our own peculiar dogma. Silliness. Please don't misinterpret this as an accusation. Heck, my ire creeps up now and then too! But I am consciously choosing not to enter into "us vs. them" debates, these days. That kind of discussion seems mostly to serve ego and derision... And that's in nobody's best interest. -------------------- Skep - thanks for the compliment (I think. *wink*) As I'm sure we're both aware, EBM and SBM are generally accepted as synonymous in the context of medical sciences. I'm aware of the semantic difference, but I wasnt being sneaky with my response.; this alt med practitioner is a science geek from way back! :) I know a lot of MDs who practice woo, too! That some NDs' treatment protocols venture into the woo category does not preclude science-based training. And anecdotal observation such as who does or does not practice what you subjectively determine to be "woo" is as relevant as the anecdotal evidence that woo practitioners give that their treatments work. I say again, that which is "alternative" is not NECESSARILY defined by scientific probability/evidence. Furthermore, science sometimes lags behind explaining efficacy! Consider anti-psychotics, for which there's still no defined MOA. Consider also that science is just beginning to elucidate possible MOAs for acupuncture. (Here's a link to a news story on a paper recently published in Nature Neuroscience:
5 :
Science Based Medicine ? Let us count the ways! Medicine that is practiced by licensed practitioners using as its knowledge base that comes from clinical studies, trials, retrospective analysis', laboratory studies of growing organisms in a dish and more. Most of the data from the sources mentioned are fraudulent and biased prepared by "scientists" and "researchers" and by the very companies that need to have results that can make them money. Data is favorably manipulated by these scientists and researchers so that they get more research grant money and lots of spending cash and perks. Everyone needs continuous employment, right? The doctors use this phony research as a basis to prescribe medication that they know almost nothing about and if it weren't for "detail men" who lie about their drugs, doctors would not know what medicines are for what conditions.
6 :
Sure. Osteopathic practice should fit this definition as its based in our understanding of moden physiology. Does your definition have condiotions that only doctors can test new plausible theories or modlities? If so why? Edit: Well not every Osteopath practices Involuntary motion techniques. If you are happy to allow the non cranial part of Osteopathy in thats a start. As for cranial if your source of reference is Steven Barrat you might think that. On the contrary research has been done and movement in the sutures has been established and detected by machinary. People who studied medicine from books in the 1950's might beleive that the sutures fuse or the Sacro-illiac joints fuse because thats what they tell you. Even though the SI has been established as mobile and not fused this is still taught in SOME med schools. A skull of someone who has lived into ripe old age can still be disarticulated and the individual bones seperated. THESE NEVER FUSE. 2 bones that fuse become 1 entity they are not 2 joints held together by tight fibrous tissue and they do not disarticulate. look at the innominate bone of an adult. Also actually look at the cranial bones of an adult compared to an infant or a child. The bones that fuse during developement do not disarticulate. Moving on people like Dr. Frank Willard and Dr. Upledger have dome lots of research into Anatomy and involuntary motion. Upledger has come up with a theoretical model based on the number of mechano- receptors in the sutures and baroreceptors in the Ventricular system after doing histological analysis from Cadavaric disections. He has theorised that the pumping system of the fluid is controled by a feed back mechanism between these structures which keep the fluid turning over. Upledger and Willard are ahead of the game and pioneers in their fields. You may not know about this research, you may refute it because you disagree with it but it is there. As for whether or not we can feel it, an engineer working fine limits can run his fingers over a flat object and feel a difference of 1000th of an inch and tell you if its flat or not. For someone to tell me they can't accept its possible to feel the cranial rhytum because they haven't trained to is the same as my saying "I can't beleive people can run a mile in around 4 minutes or even less because I can't do it." Palpation is part of your sense of touch. You can develop this sense to a very high level if you train yourself to do so. Still not convinced? OK the most skilled somaliers can drink a sip of wine and tell you what grape made it, where it was grown and even what year the wine was made. Is there any magic involved or have they just developed their sense of taste to an incredibly high level? Edit: Not everyone who practices Cranial Osteopathy does so with the view of "energy medicine". What i am talking about is the movement between the sutures and the flow of CSF within the Dural sack and in the ventricular system. I am not talking about treating the body with an energy system. That isn't how I and many other osteopaths do it. The movement between the sutures has been measured and established with machinary. What is contentious is whether or not we can feel it. Just about anyone could but it does take a lot of practice. It isn't taught as a technique until the 4th year in most undergrad osteopathic courses because the level of palpation required is not good enough for most people up until then. I've met manual therapist who can't even palpate segmental levels of the spine (non of them were osteopaths). They can't even differentiate between L4 and 5 or C2 and 3. One of them was stupid enough to stand up at a conference and Say "Do you seriously expect me to believe you can palpate at a segmental level". The gasps and Jaw dropping of disbelief made him sit down very quickly!!! Edit: thanks for those links. I need to point out they are not papers with evidence they are an opinion with references. You can find references to support anything you have an opinion on. That does not make your opinion the truth by default. His knowledge of anatomy is just plane wrong. The spenoid does not fuse and nor do the other cranial bones although they do indeed become less cartilaginous and ossify. That doesn't mean they can't move. I have seriously questioned whether or not I'm imagining all this but if I was why does what i feel surprise me so often? Wouldn't it feel the same on everyone if it was just my imagination? Or wouldn't my palpation be an externalisation of a predetermined idea that i had therefore being predictable and not surprising? How do you explain why someone who's had a headache for a month post trauma has it stop the next day and their sinuses clear when they don't even know what you are doing and have no expectation of either of these things? Why would that someone come and see me today and say "my husband wants to give you a hug because he now has his wife back". If its placebo its an incredibly powerful one don't you think? Also wouldn't placebo only work on only 30 - 50% of the people you treat? EDit: Lightning: "The opinions in those papers are what's generally accepted in the scientific community." Generally accepted is not FACT. It is still just opinion. If you don't beleive the skull bones move of course you are going to have this opinion. "They cite numerous relevant papers that reflect the general knowledge of anatomists, physiologists, and related researchers." This knowledge is still incomplete and it could be wrong. Why does Greys Anatomy continue to update its version and continue with Cadavaric disections? If we knew it all there would be no point in doing this. "The fact that you would choose to dismiss that evidence for apparently no reason other than it challenges your opinion shows your contempt for actual evidence and demonstrates that you do not practice science based medicine." Take your blinkers off mate!! I have QUESTIONED THIS EVIDENCE". I have made it very clear why. WHY HAVE YOU DISMISSED THE EVIDENCE FROM WILLARD AND UPLEDGER? IS IT BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH IT OR IT BECAUSE IF IT IS CORRECT IT MEANS WE HAVE TO LOOK AT THINGS AGAIN? Science has got many things wrong in the past. Also science is about discovery not exclusion. Remember that. Edit: ##Thank you for the friendly advice. My reason for responding to lightning was to prevent readers from assuming that his posts have merit. His blatant disregard for legitimate evidence, his pension for semantic wordplay and fact distortion, and his contempt for science based medicine are now clearly obvious too all those who have yet to sip the quack-aid.### Ok then Mr. if Upledger has got his theory of the fluid pumping mechanism so wrong, why are there so many proprio-ceptors in the sutures and baro-receptors in the ventricles? Can ESTABLISHED SCIENCE answer that? You love to quote papers but as soon as someone comes along with something that challenges your model you ignore it. Skep doc doesn't debate with me because he is sick of me exposing his ignorance and arrogance.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just some help, what NOT to feed your dog

Just some help, what NOT to feed your dog.?
s to avoid Reasons to avoid Alcoholic beverages Can cause intoxication, coma, and death. Baby food Can contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. (Please see onion below.) Can also result in nutritional deficiencies, if fed in large amounts. Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system. Cat food Generally too high in protein and fats. Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine Contain caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous systems. Citrus oil extracts Can cause vomiting. Fat trimmings Can cause pancreatitis. Grapes and raisins Contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys. There have been no problems associated with grape seed extract. Hops Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death. Human vitamin supplements containing iron Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys. Large amounts of liver Can cause Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones. Macadamia nuts Contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscle. Marijuana Can depress the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in the heart rate. Milk and other dairy products Some adult dogs and cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhea. Lactose-free milk products are available for pets. Moldy or spoiled food, garbage Can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs. Mushrooms Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death. Onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powder) Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions. Persimmons Seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. Pits from peaches and plums Can cause obstruction of the digestive tract. Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. This is more of a problem in livestock. Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella. Raw fish Can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death. More common if raw fish is fed regularly. Salt If eaten in large quantities it may lead to electrolyte imbalances. String Can become trapped in the digestive system; called a "string foreign body." Sugary foods Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus. Table scraps (in large amounts) Table scraps are not nutritionally balanced. They should never be more than 10% of the diet. Fat should be trimmed from meat; bones should not be fed. Tobacco Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat, collapse, coma, and death. Yeast dough Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.
Dogs - 3 Answers
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1 :
good list!
2 :
3 :
here's additional info: A surprising number of household foods can hurt or kill your dog. check out this list of the most common:

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Human biology questions multiple choice

Human biology questions multiple choice?
1.Increase in blood sugar level: glucagon release:: A. Calcitonin production: low blood calcium level B. Hyperthyroidism: Overproduction of thyroxine C. ADH production: high blood calcium levels D. Hypothyroidism: overproduction of thyroxine 2. Epinephrine: Initial reaction to stress:: A. aldosterone: rediness for "Flight" B. ACTH: blood calcium level C. Aldosterone: rediness to "fight" D. Norepinephrine: changes in blood pressure 3. In a person with diabetes mellitus, even though blood glucose levels may be high, A. Insulin levels still increase B. Glycogen is stored in large quantities C. Cells do not receive glucose D. None of the above 4. The amino acid based hormones A. are carried into the cell by channel proteins B. combine with steroid hormones to activate cells C. send messages from outside of cells D. cannot dissolve polar molecules Thanks
Biology - 2 Answers
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1 :
I would help (if I knew all the answers) but it looks like you're just taking advantage of Yahoo Answers to get the answers to your homework. Think hard and try your best. Good luck!
2 :
The first two questions aren't worded properly so I'm not sure what the answers are.. 1) Glucagon is released when blood sugar is low.. Insulin is released when blood sugar is high. Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the thryoid gland which stimulates the uptake of calcium into bone and excretion of calcium by the kidneys. Calcitonin is secreted when blood calcium levels are high. Hyperthyroidism is the overproduction of thyroxine. ADH is anti-diuretic hormone which is released when the body is dehydrated and causes the kidneys to conserve water. 2) Aldosterone is a hormone that increases the reabsorption of sodium and water and the release of potassium in the kidneys. This increases blood volume and therefore, increases blood pressure. ACTH has nothing to do with blood calcium level, it is produced in response to biological stress. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter and a hormone, it is also produced in response to stress and increases heart rate and blood pressure. 3 is C. Cells do not receive glucose.. Insulin is required for cells to take up glucose.. In diabetes mellitus Insulin secretion is low or cells are insensitive to insulin. 4 is C. Send messages from outside of cells. Protein hormones bind to receptors in the plasma membrane of their target cells to produce a response in the cell. Read your textbook.. :)

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Would YOU Eat Dandelions Fresh From Your Yard

Would YOU Eat Dandelions Fresh From Your Yard ...?
... if you knew that by ingesting them they could: Prevent or cure liver diseases, such as hepatitis or undice; Act as a tonic and gentle diuretic to purify your blood, cleanse your system, dissolve kidney stones, and otherwise improve gastro-intestinal health; Assist in weight reduction; cleanse your skin and Eliminate acne; Improve your bowel function, working equally well to relieve both constipation and diarrhea; Prevent or lower high blood pressure; Prevent or cure anemia; Lower your serum cholesterol by as much as half; Eliminate or drastically reduce acid indigestion and gas buildup by cutting the heaviness of fatty foods; Prevent or cure various forms of cancer; Prevent or control diabetes mellitus; AND MOST PEOPLE GET RID OF THEM AND CALL THEM NASTY WEEDS!
Alternative Medicine - 5 Answers
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1 :
heeeellll no. i would need some serious convincing to believe it. but no.
2 :
sure thang luv ...... eat the leaves like spinach... steamed...... they bolster liver functioning and thus act as a superb detox ........ or dandelion tea ..... bypasses the digestion and gets absorbed straight into your bloodstream ........ that with nettle tea ...... and a teaspoon of raw honey ....... yummmm .... fabulous stuff hey....... so long as its free of pesticides and other nasty chemicals. ensure you still drink loads of water as they are also a fabulous natural diuretic. peace baby ♥
3 :
No, but I would go down and get the tincture at the natural store. I would not trust what is out here considering the spray and dogs pee and poop near them-yuck. I would rather they are grown specifically for this purpose in a clean environment.
4 :
You know what works better? Mashing them up in a stone grinder and adding the paste to a fruit smoothie, it is the best thing ever, i love it.
5 :
yes, I have and also harvest red clover, plantain and violets right outside the door. And many herbs/plants/wild foods from the fields and woods too in my life. But they are pretty cheap to buy..the ones in my fridge from Kroger just cost 1.29 lb I always liked dandelions even as a little girls and never thought them weeds but pretty flowers that look cool in a field or lawn personally. As a child I loved flowers an picking them and this helped me later in life to identify them easier for wild foods or medicines. the more I learn about the astounding power of so many plants, the more in awe I am of this creation of ours and the creator who put all these healing chemicals in them. I never heard the helped diabetes though hmm the cool thing about herbs is that many cures many types of ills not just one (although some are specific to an organ like milk thistle for the liver, ginkgo for the brain or hawthorne for the heart)..this is cause herbs go tot he root cause and fix the problem causing various symptoms (which doctors call each a disease)...they also unlike drugs work organically with our body.. The dandelion is a particularly mighty plant. would most people eat them..on this forum perhaps but in general no..the average person does not want to fix their own health but rather go to an doctor and say give me some pill to heal me (after I got sick with my crappy lifestyle) the more you study herbs the more amazing it is what a gift they are to man and beast

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Which genetic condition should I choose for a biology project

Which genetic condition should I choose for a biology project?
Agammagoblulinemia Albinism Alcaptonuria Alzheimer's Charcot-marie-Tooth Cleft lip/palate Clubfoot Coffin Lowry syndrone Colorblindness Diabetes mellitus Down's syndrome Fragile X syndrome Galactosemia Glaucoma Hereditary deafness Hereditary cataract Hurler's syndrome Hypercholesterolemia Hypertension Maple syrup urine disease Marfan syndrome Muscular dystrophy Phenylketonuria Progeria Pyloric stenosis Spina bifida Thalassemia Trisomy 9 Trisomy 13 Trisomy 18 Turner syndrome Tuberous sclerosis Xeroderma pigmentosa These are the genetic conditions that I have to choose from, but I may choose a genetic condition not on the list as long as there is enough information for me to use to answer a couple of questions. These questions are about the affects of the condition, symptoms, treatment, inheritance pattern and a lot of other genetic information, genetic cause, diagnosis, cures or research for a cure, expected life span of a person w/ condition, frequency, and a punnet square to represent possible outcomes of offspring, etc. If anyone would like to know what the exact questions are, please feel free to post a comment letting me know, and I will try to post up the questions ASAP Which genetic conditions will allow me to find significant information? please give me a few conditions as I might now get my first choice, and please explain why you recommend it. Thank you
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
if you're going for an easy one i would say color blindness because i think it is fairly simple to understand how it is passed on, but for something more challenging that you might learn more from i would go with downs syndrome.
2 :
Hard to really say but if I was doing it I would chose Tay-Sachs disease (abbreviated TSD, also known as GM2 gangliosidosis or Hexosaminidase A deficiency). It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. In its most common variant known as infantile Tay-Sachs disease it presents with a relentless deterioration of mental and physical abilities which commences at 6 months of age and usually results in death by the age of four. Research in the late 20th century demonstrated that Tay-Sachs disease is caused by a genetic mutation on the HEXA gene on chromosome 15. A large number of HEXA mutations have been discovered, and new ones are still being reported. These mutations reach significant frequencies in several populations. French Canadians of southeastern Quebec have a carrier frequency similar to Ashkenazi Jews, but they carry a different mutation. Many Cajuns of southern Louisiana carry the same mutation that is most common in Ashkenazi Jews. Most HEXA mutations are rare, and do not occur in genetically isolated populations. The disease can potentially occur from the inheritance of two unrelated mutations in the HEXA gene. Which is one of the reasons that it is so interesting because generally you need the same mutation. Until the 1970s and 80s, when the molecular genetics of the disease became known, the juvenile and adult forms of the disease were not always recognized as variants of TSD. Post-infantile Tay-Sachs was often mis-diagnosed as another neurological disorder, such as Friedreich ataxia.[5] Patients with LOTS frequently become full-time wheelchair users in adulthood, but many live full adult lives if psychiatric and physical difficulties are accommodated. Psychiatric symptoms and seizures can be controlled with medications. If you want to do it on this and need any help please let me know.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

PANCREAS CANCER! Please read now......................

PANCREAS CANCER! Please read now......................!?
For the past 2 months my Grandma in the Philippines is suffering from Pancreas Cancer and I am very sad that she is in stage 4. It has been two years since we last hugged each other I am just wondering, what is the cause of her disease? I look at wiki but I don't know which one: Age (particularly over 60)[2] Male gender African-American ethnicity[2] Smoking. Cigarette smoking nearly doubles one's risk, and the risk persists for at least a decade after quitting. [5] Diets low in vegetables and fruits[citation needed] Diets high in red meat[6] Obesity[7] Diabetes mellitus Chronic pancreatitis has been linked, but is not known to be causal Helicobacter pylori infection Family history, 5-10% of pancreatic cancer patients have a family history of pancreatic cancer. The genes responsible for most of this clustering in families have yet to be identified. Pancreatic cancer has been associated with the following syndromes; autosomal recessive ataxia-telangiectasia and autosomal dominantly inherited mutations in the BRCA2 gene, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome due to mutations in the STK11 tumor suppressor gene, hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome), familial adenomatous polyposis, and the familial atypical multiple mole melanoma-pancreatic cancer syndrome (FAMMM-PC) due to mutations in the CDKN2A tumor suppressor gene.[8][1] Gingivitis or periodontal disease.[9] Alcohol might be a risk factor – see Pancreatic cancer section in Alcohol and cancer When I lived with her for a decade, she did not qualify to all the things that I listed above EXCEPT she is 74 years old OR maybe she ate dirty foods. Please pray for my grandma because she has 3 months to live.
Cancer - 1 Answers
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It is not possible to determine the exact cause for most cancers. The risk factors that you have listed are correlations, not causes. What this means is that we know the risk factor and the disease are linked, but not that one causes another. When we figure out the specific mechanism that causes a cancer, we are well on the way to finding a cure. We are just not there yet with most cancers.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

What did Obama mean when he spoke of chronic Illness

What did Obama mean when he spoke of chronic Illness?
And that some sort of panel to advise people since the cost of chronic illness and end of life illness consumed a huge proportion of medical costs. Twice I've seen these quotes, but does he even once combine the two terms, thereby conveniently leaving the door open to gosh only knows what. He was originally speaking of his grandmother and her co-morbid conditions, so it would be expected that the phrase he spoke would be , people which chronic multiple conditions that are near the end of their lives, but he didn't. I can't imagine this was as accident as we all know how craftily he prepares his speech. Was this an ignorant oversight, or was is an attempt to mislead. Here is a list of chronic illness's Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic osteoarticular diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis Chronic respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma Chronic renal failure Diabetes mellitus Chronic hepatitis Autoimmune diseases, like ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus Cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, ischemic cardiopathy, cerebrovascular disease And there are plenty more. The real jist of it all is to how much each ailment robs the public coffers.
Politics - 2 Answers
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No need to focus on the details of any government controlled health care plan. Its a bad idea to give governments this power regardless of how good any plan sounds. Its really no different then you giving me control over your care. You have no idea what you'll get.
2 :
If your to old and sick to work and pay taxes then you have a chronic illness and will get "end of life counseling".

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I need your emergency help,please

I need your emergency help,please!?
To whom it may concern with respect; my first name is: navid -- my last name : mofid my birthday is monday 03 december 1973 between midnight and morning.sun was in Sagitarious and moon was in Pisces.i have only one elder brother and no sister. my mother's name is :Pourandokht and my father's:Masoud i had a powerful and energic and happy life in past with a nice luck and good money and health and i had a lot of powers in many diffrent things. i fell in a deep and true love in 1994 with one of the most powerful and rich Iranian GAS and OIL contractors in middle east's daughter . her name is : Sara -- her last name is : ataei her father is too near to Iran regim leaders and their friend and too rich with one billion us dollors rich.(i mean one billion not million.) his name is : Nader his last name is:Ataei he has many powerful black magicians in india and iran.he also knew "Sathya sai baba" well.i respect to "sai baba" in front of my heart. i know sai baba isnot a black magician but my point is that even he was easily available for her father and as i said i respect "sai baba" and i know he never did any thing in my story. we married with a lot of love.a deep true love with all my deep prays to God.but her father never wanted me and he separated us by force in india and after that in iran. he forced us to have an abortion to our only child.i fighted him with all i got for 3 years but he won the case and he changed my ex-wife by money and force .i fighted him so hard for 3 years but she divorced by her father's power.he forced her to marry again immidiatly 10 years ago and she lives in california in us with her husband and her is 10 years that i couldn't see her,it is impossible for me to go to united states of americabecause of visa laws. after that i went to many magicians in iran but noone had the power to heal or help me and return her or at least heal me and open my luck again.i even went to mulim's holly land in Soudi arabia in "Macca" but it didn't help me. i studied in private about muslim magics all these years and i learned a good many of things but i can never ever help myself. i have had a lot of problems specially since 1994.a lot of problems. all Tarot readers called her father : A POWERFUL DARKNESS ESSENCE. even before that date some of those problems began.but since 1994 they became more and more and powerful.very powerful.these are some of my problems: 1-vivid dreams. 2-vivid nightmares. 3-seeing future in dreams. 4-sleeping problems i mean i never can sleep without pills and doctor's help and i cannot sleep at nights most of the time. 5-fearing and perspirring and sweatting in sleep and pain. 6-fighting with demons and geniis in sleep . 7-demons and evil geniis effect my real life in a wake up time too and i feel them all the time. 8-my luck has been completely locked for 13 years. 9-suffering from depression, hard nerves illness,being uneasy,disapointed, with no motivation for life,low phisical activity ,careless and ... i am under physician's healling all these years but most of these were useless efforts. 10-becoming angery and being an anger man most oh the time. 11-no nice woman or girl come in my life ,and i need them but i can never find them or they never love me and i wish to have a nice girl,and i try but i never succeed !!! no one comes to me !!!!!! 12-unemployment most of the time and real problems and lock for comming money and sustenance(daily bread). to me,only God knows how i kept myself untill now,thanks God. 13-Diabetes mellitus disease for 4 years untill now. 14-becomming useless step by step 15-sometimes ,family fights and argues with my dearest ones. 16-smoking a lot. 17-on 2005 i went to south of India,Bangalore to find some help,but my left knee broke in an accident after 10 days!!! i had to return to Iran for sergury and i cannot run or go on steps very much,my left knee hurtes so bad,but i can walk as a normal man again.i could not find any help there. i know a lot of people and witchcrafts did evil things on me.i can see and feel it.i am a death man because of that. WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR ME? WHAT I MUST DO? I SWEAR YOU TO MIGHTY GOD <TO TELL ME THE TRUTH AND HELP ME? EXACTLY TELL ME WHAT DO YOU WANT? because i must consider my own possible facilities base on your request. PLEASE REPLY ME. yours truly Mr. Navid Mofid --- tehran,iran --- 6/2/2009
Other - Social Science - 1 Answers
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hi i belive in witchcraft too. theres a store and it has black magic to but you must be 18 its called the moiria or something in south greensburg,PA if you relly want help go there or look up black witchcraft magic or something oline

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Question about nursing abbreviations? DOL? DMA12? GDM? Down's syndrome patient, mom is diabetic. Baby leukemia

Question about nursing abbreviations? DOL? DMA12? GDM? Down's syndrome patient, mom is diabetic. Baby leukemia?
A case I'm reading about says "34 5/7 wk GA female, now DOL 10", and "pregnancy complicated due to DMA12 (?GDM)". My girlfriend says it has something to do with Diabetes Mellitus, but I can't fing exactly what it stands for. Also, the differential diagnosis for the infant includes congenital leukemia and leukemoid reaction. I know leukemoid reaction is much more common, but how can I tell the difference? They have not had an Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase scoring performed. The blast count, however, slowly declines over several weeks from 39 down to 0. This would be leukemoid reaction, right? I'm just assuming that if it were truly congenital leukemia the blast count would stay higher, right?
Diabetes - 1 Answers
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Type 1 Diabetes is a disease that is also called Juvenile Onset diabetes. This type of diabetes is subtle and generally strikes younger people. The other type of diabetes is type 2 or adult onset diabetes and is very symptomatic. A person's lifestyle choices and environment can even help in predicting the onset of type 2 diabetes. But it is still wise to watch for some of the major symptoms of this disease. Doing so will prevent this disease from taking hold unnoticed. In this answer we will talk about some of the major diabetes symptoms. People who are suffering from diabetes get more infections than other people. Your immune system may be compromised by undiagnosed diabetes which is what makes you more prone to infection. Urinary tract, kidney, skin and fungal infection caused by bacteria are among the most common causes of these outbreaks in diabetics. These infections can be a good reason to have your physcian test your pancreatic functions when diagnosing them to see what your blood sugar levels are doing. Does your vision periodically go blurry without warning or predictability? If this is a symptom of someone you know, you won't see it but they might say something about it. If this is something that happens to you it is usually a sign that your body is having difficulty with insulin and you should be tested for diabetes. Have you ever heard of the term Hyperosmolar hyperglycemia nonketotic syndrome, it's just the medical term for diabetes. This happens when the fluid in the tissue surrounding the lenses of your eyes is drained. It makes your eyes work harder to focus. Sometimes blurry vision is a sign that you need glasses. On the other hand if it is only from time to time or intermittently you should talk to your doctor about diabetes testing. Feet problems are a common problem for most diabetics. Poor circulation is usually the reason for these problems. If you notice that your feet (and/or hands) have started tingling you should call your doctor. It is especially important for diabetics to monitor their hands and feet because of their circulation issues. If you notice sores that are not healing on your feet you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Usually these can be treated right in a doctor's office. Do not ignore any tingling or sores. Ignoring this particular symptom is why so many people with diabetes end up having to go through amputations. Diabetes symptoms are varied but they can be intense. The most obvious symptoms (the lack of insulin production) are hard to detect without extensive medical testing. Different indicators are quite visible. At the same time, many of the obvious symptoms of diabetes are also obvious symptoms of other problems and disorders. It is critical for you to observe your body (and the bodies of your loved ones). You don't want your sickness to have the wrong diagnosis. Get a second opinion if you are worried your own physician may have misdiagnosed your or your kids.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Nutrition please help

Nutrition please help?
1. Diseases that causse the malabsorption of fat can result in a deficiency of: a) vitamin A b) vitamin E c) vitamin C d) both A and B 2. The most common form of cancer in the US is cancer of the : a) lung b) skin c) colon d) stomach 3. Research studies have consistently demonstrated an association between a reduced risk of cancer and: a) the use of vita C supplements b) increased consumption of fruits adn vegetables c) increased consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids d) the use of beta-carotene supplements 4. In the US, the leading cause of blindness in adults 55 years of and older is: a) accidents b) diabetes mellitus c) macular degeneration d) cataracts
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
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2 :
1)d 2)b 3) I need to know lol 4) b

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blood sugar is regulated by two pancreatic hormones, namely insulin and glucagon

Blood sugar is regulated by two pancreatic hormones, namely insulin and glucagon?
Blood sugar is regulated by two pancreatic hormones, namely insulin and glucagon. When blood sugar rises, insulin is released; it binds to receptors and, through signal transduction, results in an increase in glucose uptake by cells, effectively lowering blood glucose. When blood sugar decreases, glucagon is released, binds to cell receptors, and causes glucose to be released into circulation. Diabetes mellitus is a disorder that results from excessively high levels of blood glucose. Type II diabetics have normal to elevated levels of insulin. What, then, might be causing the elevated blood glucose levels? A) inadequate insulin production B) defective receptors C) defective second messenger D) inability to regulate gene expression
Biology - 1 Answers
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Molecular Biology question I don't have an answer for

Molecular Biology question I don't have an answer for?
Which of the following mechanisms would NOT explain the decrease in beta-pancreatic cells in Diabetes Mellitus Type I patients? a) Absence of beta-pancreatic stem cells. b) Necrosis due to free radicals produced by macrophages c) Lysis due to water intake through perforins secreted by CD8+ T cells. d) Apoptosis due to cytochrome c release because of a change in membrane potential of the mytochrondia in beta-pancreatic cells e) Apoptosis by activation of the intrinsic path by union of Fas in CD4+ T cells and Fas ligand in beta-pancreatic cells... I've got an idea of which might be but I'm really not sure.
Biology - 1 Answers
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As a guess I'd say "e" because I haven't heard of FasL/FasR being involved in pancreatic cell death.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

I need help with this homework question

I need help with this homework question?
6.Grace Patton is a 59-year old school teacher and a patient of cardiologist Dr. Martin. Grace is 4 weeks post myocardial infarction and has an appointment today with Dr. Martin. Grace has a 10 year history of increased blood lipid levels, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension. She was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure about 3 months ago. Grace’s Congestive heart failure would result in which of the following clinical manifestations? a.Edema of the lower extremities and shortness of breath b.Anemia, infection, and small bruises c.Intermittent claudication and altered peripheral pulses d.One pale, cold, swollen extremity with a palpable cordlike vessel
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Help with multiple choice

Help with multiple choice?
16. Which condition best describes atherosclerosis? a. cancerous tumor growths on the hands b. scar tissue developing after surgery c. fats and cholesterol buildup inside arteries d. high blood pressure 17. How is brain tissue destroyed by a stroke? a. A blocked artery deprives part of the brain of oxygen. b. The heart stops beating and therefore blood circulation to the brain stops. c. Trauma to the skull causes swelling and pressure on the brain. d. The lungs are filled with fluid, causing abdominal swelling 18. A fifty-two-year-old woman feels a squeezing, crushing pain in her chest. The pain also extends to her left arm, neck, and shoulder. She is short of breath. What is she suffering from? a. diabetes mellitus b. a stroke c. a heart attack d. breast cancer
Psychology - 1 Answers
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c a c

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Brain aches, sensitivity to light, cloudy thoughts, blurred vision, high cholesterol + frequent urination

 Brain aches, sensitivity to light, cloudy thoughts, blurred vision, high cholesterol + frequent urination?
20 year old male, healthy, no previous medical issues. Have had a blood test for diabetes mellitus but came back fine. It was noted that cholesterol was high for my age. Also had a general blood test to check blood workup, liver, kidney and thyroid - all came back fine. My blood pressure and heart rate fluctuate from time to time, and my family has a history of heart attacks at young ages (my dad recovered from a heart attack when he was 39. His dad also had one at a young age.) I'm a bit of a loss really. I feel like I am unable to concentrate, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. I always feel unrested as well, and have difficulty getting up in the morning, as well as falling asleep in the first place. I am an intelligent individual studying law at university, but I feel it is beginning to affect my ability to work and focus. It becomes especially prevalent when I'm in a bright area (like a supermarket) or there are many visual or audial stimuli. It's as though my brain cannot focus on everything occuring around me, and I find it difficlut to find words and speak at times - as though I'm fading out of consciousness. What is wrong with me? Thanks in advance
Other - Diseases - 2 Answers
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sounds to me like you may be developing an anxiety disorder. you may want to consult your doctor about what you are experiencing.
2 :
Chris, have them do a deeper blood panel workup, test T3 and T4 thyroid levels, the general tests don't always show thyroid problems and these are more specific. I would also since you have a high history of heart problems have some tests, EKG, heart stress test, holter monitor, maybe heart ultrasound to make sure things are ok, then it's a baseline to check in the future if you have any heart issues later on. Best to get that cholesterol down. Hope you feel better.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

OGTT RESULTS? Cant understand it

 OGTT RESULTS? Cant understand it.?
Patients Fasting Blood Glucose Level : 79.0 mg/dl Blood Glucose after load: at 60 mins = at 120 mins = 120.0 mg/dl at 180 mins = 100 mg/dl here is what it says on the result: CRITERIA FOR DIAGNOSTIC INTERPRETATION : Presence of 2 or more of the following abnormal serum glucose values: (1> 95 mg/dl FBS; 2>180mg/dl at 60 min after glucose load; 3>155mg/dl at 120 min after glucose load; 4> 140 mg/dl at 180 min after glucose load0 qualifies for the biochemical diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Patterns of glucose level abnormality other than the aforementioned criterion indicate Impaired Glucose Tolerance i couldnt understand the result sheet that i received since i havent forwarded the results to my doctor. and i will give it to her on monday. can you explain it to me? thanks a LOT!
Diabetes - 1 Answers
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(1> 95 mg/dl FBS; ...yours was 79 2>180mg/dl at 60 min after glucose ...yours was 133 3>155mg/dl at 120 min after glucose load....yours was 120 4> 140 mg/dl at 180 min after glucose ....yours was 100 Your numbers are all below the criteria so it looks good! Hope this Helps.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

I need a real emergency help,please

I need a real emergency help,please?
To whom it may concern with respect; my first name is: navid -- my last name : mofid my birthday is monday 03 december 1973 between midnight and morning.sun was in Sagitarious and moon was in Pisces.i have only one elder brother and no sister. my mother's name is :Pourandokht and my father's:Masoud i had a powerful and energic and happy life in past with a nice luck and good money and health and i had a lot of powers in many diffrent things. i fell in a deep and true love in 1994 with one of the most powerful and rich Iranian GAS and OIL contractors in middle east's daughter . her name is : Sara -- her last name is : ataei her father is too near to Iran regim leaders and their friend and too rich with one billion us dollors rich.(i mean one billion not million.) his name is : Nader his last name is:Ataei he has many powerful black magicians in india and iran.he also knew "Sathya sai baba" well.i respect to "sai baba" in front of my heart. i know sai baba isnot a black magician but my point is that even he was easily available for her father and as i said i respect "sai baba" and i know he never did any thing in my story. we married with a lot of love.a deep true love with all my deep prays to God.but her father never wanted me and he separated us by force in india and after that in iran. he forced us to have an abortion to our only child.i fighted him with all i got for 3 years but he won the case and he changed my ex-wife by money and force .i fighted him so hard for 3 years but she divorced by her father's power.he forced her to marry again immidiatly 10 years ago and she lives in california in us with her husband and her is 10 years that i couldn't see her,it is impossible for me to go to united states of americabecause of visa laws. after that i went to many magicians in iran but noone had the power to heal or help me and return her or at least heal me and open my luck again.i even went to mulim's holly land in Soudi arabia in "Macca" but it didn't help me. i studied in private about muslim magics all these years and i learned a good many of things but i can never ever help myself. i have had a lot of problems specially since 1994.a lot of problems. all Tarot readers called her father : A POWERFUL DARKNESS ESSENCE. even before that date some of those problems began.but since 1994 they became more and more and powerful.very powerful.these are some of my problems: 1-vivid dreams. 2-vivid nightmares. 3-seeing future in dreams. 4-sleeping problems i mean i never can sleep without pills and doctor's help and i cannot sleep at nights most of the time. 5-fearing and perspirring and sweatting in sleep and pain. 6-fighting with demons and geniis in sleep . 7-demons and evil geniis effect my real life in a wake up time too and i feel them all the time. 8-my luck has been completely locked for 13 years. 9-suffering from depression, hard nerves illness,being uneasy,disapointed, with no motivation for life,low phisical activity ,careless and ... i am under physician's healling all these years but most of these were useless efforts. 10-becoming angery and being an anger man most oh the time. 11-no nice woman or girl come in my life ,and i need them but i can never find them or they never love me and i wish to have a nice girl,and i try but i never succeed !!! no one comes to me !!!!!! 12-unemployment most of the time and real problems and lock for comming money and sustenance(daily bread). to me,only God knows how i kept myself untill now,thanks God. 13-Diabetes mellitus disease for 4 years untill now. 14-becomming useless step by step 15-sometimes ,family fights and argues with my dearest ones. 16-smoking a lot. 17-on 2005 i went to south of India,Bangalore to find some help,but my left knee broke in an accident after 10 days!!! i had to return to Iran for sergury and i cannot run or go on steps very much,my left knee hurtes so bad,but i can walk as a normal man again.i could not find any help there. i know a lot of people and witchcrafts did evil things on me.i can see and feel it.i am a death man because of that. WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR ME? WHAT I MUST DO? I SWEAR YOU TO MIGHTY GOD <TO TELL ME THE TRUTH AND HELP ME? EXACTLY TELL ME WHAT DO YOU WANT? because i must consider my own possible facilities base on your request. PLEASE REPLY ME. yours truly Mr. Navid Mofid --- tehran,iran --- 5/2/2009
Religion & Spirituality - 3 Answers
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1 :
Well, sir, it sounds like you've tried everything else. Try this: Say from your heart, "Jesus, if you REALLY are the MIGHTY GOD, come into my heart and life right now, and deliver me from these curses and diseases and troubles that are afflicting my life and mind. If you really are a savior, save me, O God!" Isa 9:6 -- ...His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Psa 54:1 -- ...Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. 2 Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth. Isa 19:20 -- And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them. ...and He will deliver YOU too.
2 :
To be perfectly honest, I am clueless on what you can do. I do know as a Christian, the only hope is Jesus Christ! He is able to deliver His children from any circumstance, and He is always there, just a word away. I would suggest speaking to Him, He will listen..
3 :
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Some homework help

Some homework help??????????
The lowest blood concentration of nitrogenous waste occurs in the a. hepatic vein b. inferior vena cave c. renal artery d. renal vein The glomerular cappillaries differ from other capillary networks in the body because they a. have a larger area of anastomosis b. are derived from and drain into arterioles c. are not made of endothelium d. are sites of filtrate formation Damage to the renal medulla would interfere first with the functioning of the a. glomerular capsule b. distal convulated tubules c. collecting ducts d. proximal convulated tubules A Which is reabsorbed by the proximal convulted tubules? a. Na b. K c. amino acids d. proximal convulated tubules Glucose is not normally found in the urine because it a. does not pass through the walls of the glomerulus b. is kept in the blood by colloid osmotic pressure reabsorbed by the tubule cells d. is removed by the body cells before the blood reaches the kidney Filtration at the glomerulus is inversely related to a. water reabsorption b. capsular hydrostatic pressure c. arterial blood pressure d. acidity of the urine Tubular reabsorption a. of glucose and many other substances is a T-limited active transport process b. of chloride is always linked to the passive transport of Na c. is the movement of substances from the blood into the nephron d. of sodium occurs only in teh proximal tubule If a freshly voided urine sample contains excessive amounts of urochrome it has a. an ammonia-like odor b. a pH below normal c. a dark yellow color d. a pH above normal Conditions such as diabetes mellitus, starvation, and low-carboyhydrate diets are closely linked to a. ketonuria b.pyuria c. albuminuria d. hematuria Which of the following is/are true about ADH? a. it promotes obligatory water reabsorption b. it is secreted in response to an increase in extracellular fluid osmolatlity c. it causes insertion of aquaporins in the PCT d. it promotes Na reabsorption
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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You're kidding, right? Anatomy of the Human Heart with Flash Illustration STRUCTURE OF THE HEART.

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