the review has 100 questions but i just can't manage to find these few! any help, even if it's just one question would be greatly appreciated. if you're not 100% sure please don't put it, and the shorter the better! haha thanks so much :) 1.)if the original DNA strand is CGTAGC, what is the new strand after replication? 2.) How can medical conditions (diabetes mellitus type I, heart attack, hemophilia) be treated through genetic engineering? 3.) what is required to keep natural selection in order? 4.)what does natural selection act upon genotypes or phenotypes? 5.) what influenced beak shape in finches on the galapagos? 6.) identify the biomes by characteristic plants and animals and climate 7.) name at least three examples of evidence for evolution 8) what has sped up the extinction of species? thanks so much! :)
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