I recently started to have severe hyperactivity whenever I have a medium/large portion of sugary foods. I haven't had chocolate in months, so I had some today and I went berserk. I immediately had to walk and run for over an hour because I just couldn't take it, I felt like I was going to collapse. I don't understand why this happens to me and yet doesn't happen to anyone else. And just for the record, I'm of an average weight and I drink and urinate more than usual (though blood tests never show any indication of diabetes mellitus). Thank you for the lesson :) However, my reaction to a moderate amount of sugar is not a normal reaction, and I am well aware of what sugar can do to a body. I only drink water and I've never had an energy drink or even coffee in my life, so your point is invalid. Take care That reply goes to Gary B, of course.
Diabetes - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well some people get hyper when they eat too many sweets like candy. You should be careful not to eat too many sweets.
2 :
Sugar is PURE ENERGY. Now, you body needs SOME energy to live and work and heal and grow -- but not too much! When you get too much energy, you get "hyper". Some people call this a "sugar high". YOUR body simply doesn't need all that extra energy that sugar provides. Stop eating sugary foods (like chocolate) and the problem will go away. Sorry -- you have the body God gave you, and this "hyperactivity" is one way the body tells you to "stop doing that!" No, you probably don;t have diabetes, but you ALSO do not need all that extra energy. So stop eating the sugary foods (including colas, sports drinks, and "energy drinks"), and switch yourself to a more healthy diet (your body ALSO needs vitamins and minerals and proteins and things like that, which sugar does NOT provide)
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