I'm taking my health class online and I have no clue what these questions mean! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE HELPP MEE!!! 26. How does HIV affect the body? It infects red blood cells, decreasing the amount of oxygen the blood can carry. It infects certain white blood cells, destroying the immune system and making the body susceptible to infection. It infects the alveoli of the lungs, reducing lung capacity and the effectiveness of the respiratory system. It infects blood-forming cells in the bone marrow, producing anemia and destroying the immune system. 27. Which type of diabetes generally occurs in young adults and children and always requires insulin as part of the treatment plan? type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 28. Which of the following is NOT a warning sign of skin cancer? crushing chest pain a sore that does not heal unusual bleeding or discharge thickening or lumps 29. What is the most fatal form of skin cancer associated with moles? squamous cell carcinoma basal cell carcinoma malignant melanoma acute cell melanoma 30. What disease is caused by a bacteria and can be sent in a powdery form for bioterrorism and leads to difficulty breathing and even death? West Nile virus anthrax bovine spongiform encephalopathy stroke 31. What is the general name for all infections that cause diarrhea to occur? Irritable Bowel Syndrome Crohn's Disease Colon Cancer Dysentery 32. Which fat leads to atherosclerosis and can contribute to one's risk of a heart attack or stroke? steroids cholesterol phospholipids olive oil 33. What is key to improve cancer's survival rates? improve people's nutrition and lifestyle choices more research into better chemotherapy drugs programs that stress early detection and intervention better surgical techniques to remove all cancer cells 34. What is the disease that involves changes in the nerves and chemicals of the brain leading to memory loss, personality changes, and complete dependency? Parkinson's Alzheimer's Paget's Grave's 35. Which of the following is not a disorder related to hypertension? congestive heart failure stroke diabetes mellitus heart attack
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's considered poor form to post a laundry list of your homework questions on Y!A. I suggest you Google each term or look it up in your glossary. You'll be a better person for it. Good luck in your studies, ~ Mitch ~
2 :
I provided as many of the search areas as Yahoo Answers permits (10) at the other area where you placed your question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiF.VHHg301RYLVdIslr1twjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090806211605AALgfYl I do want to mention that if you are taking this course because it is a requirement for a field other than Health, it is still important to learn how to research for a quick answer. The whole idea of taking a course is to learn something...not just to get unearned credit. Here are some of the best and easiest sites to use: http://health.nih.gov/ Just type in the keyword - disease in the box and you will be given a selection. Try the first and second ones. Another easy site is the Mayo Clinic using the same procedure as above:: http://www.mayoclinic.com/ That said here are the best keywords and other info to use for each question: 26) I provided website information in my previous answer - this is one where you should really read - I'd avoid Wikipedia on this one as it will just confuse you. 27) The answers are in the other answer I provided Type in "Diabetes Type 4" to begin with - you'll find a shorter selection which will lead you to a discussion of all types and therefore your answer. 28) Warning signs of skin cancer or just think logically and then double check. 29) Fatal form of skin cancer "Most dangerous form of skin cancer" or just enter each term provided in the multiple choice 30) Begin at the top of your list and stop when you think you have the answer - If you're not sure, continue to the last 2. 31) Begin at the top of your list and check each term. 32) The search is "atherosclerosis" - very basic 33) Cancer - survival You could also type in "American Cancer Society" http://www.cancer.org/docroot/home/index.asp 34) Begin with Alzheimer's disease move on to Parkinson's disease Paget's Disease Graves disease 35) "Hypertension" and then each of the choices You can do this and you need to do it. Would you want a doctor or nurse who made it through med school by getting the answers at Yahoo Answers?
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