Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why are people with diabetes mellitus (specifically type 2) immunocompromised

why are people with diabetes mellitus (specifically type 2) immunocompromised?

Diabetes - 3 Answers
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1 :
A couple reasons. One is that the high blood sugar is really attractive to and feeds bacteria, so people w DM get infections easier, faster and worser :) Also, over time the body nerves get poisoned so they don't fight as well - like developing fevers to kill off infections. And the sugars saturate the proteins in the blood that do signalling, so your body doesn't send the fighting cells to kill infecting organisms, AND the fighting cells aren't as good at fighting! THEN Diabetes attacks the kidneys, and all of the above gets worse because toxins build up in the blood and interfere with the millions of chemical reactions that generally kill little buggers!! LOUSY DISEASE! Keep your waist LESS THAN 35 inches at all times to not develop DM!
2 :
WBC which fight infections also need to metabolize glucose for effective functioning. In uncontrolled diabetes WBC do not function optimally. That`s why diabetics of all types are imunocompromised.
3 :
They let their diabetes go uncontrolled too long.

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