Saturday, September 12, 2009

What is the prognosis of gestational diabetes mellitus

waht is the prognosis of gestational diabetes mellitus>?

Diabetes - 3 Answers
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it usually resolves when the baby's born.
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Usually, very good. Modern physicians and OB/GYN are VERY aware of this problem, and check patients regularly. Treatment is very simple -- a couple of oral medications, better dietary control, get more exercise. the good new is that it goes away after the baby is born -- usually. the BAD news is that if you do not work with your doctor to control the problem, Gestational Diabetes CAN cause birth defects and miscarriages. but there is no reason for that to happen -- the treatment is far too simple. A woman has to be a real idiot to ignore doctors orders at the expense of her unborn child! The REAL problem is that women who develop Gestational Diabetes often develop Type 2 Diabetes later in life. So even though the Gestational Diabetes usually goes away after childbirth, the woman must STILL keep a close watch on her personal life to prevent Type 2 Diabetes from developing later. But this, too, is easy! Make REGULAR doctor appointments, and have your Family Physician perform an A1C test once every 6 months -- for the rest of your life. the A1C test will catch developing Type 2 Diabetes, and you can begin treatment early, before deadly symptoms develop. AND -- drop that "baby fat"! Weight gain is the CAUSE of Type 2 Diabetes. So the sooner you take off the baby weight, the sooner things will return to normal. KEEP the baby weight off to help prevent Type 2 Diabetes from attacking. SO . . . the prognosis for life after Gestational Diabetes is pretty good. It is a temporary disease, and with a little personal effort it does not HAVE to lead to Type 2 Diabetes later. .

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