18.Mr. I.M.A. Wreck's plasma pH is 7.2. Which of the following indicates that the body is attempting to compensate and return the body pH to normal? A)an increase in respiration rate B)a decrease in respiration rate C)no change in respiration rate 19.The normal pH for blood plasma is A)7.00. B)7.25. C)7.40. D)7.55. E)7.60. 20.Once alkalosis has occurred, which of the following would you expect to happen? A)increased respiratory rate B)a plasma pH less than 7.40 C)retention of hydrogen ions by the kidney D)increased renal reabsorption of bicarbonate ions E)secretion of hydrogen ions by the kidney For questions 21 to 26 indicate which acid-base imbalance is most likely to occur as a result of each condition described. A)respiratory acidosis B)respiratory alkalosis C)metabolic acidosis D)metabolic alkalosis 21.untreated diabetes mellitus 22.hypoventilation 23.excessive intake of antacids 24.asthma attack 25.hyperventilation
Biology - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
18 c 19 7.2 20 e 21 c 22 a 23 d 24b
2 :
18-A 19-C 20-C 21-C 22-A 23-D 24-A 25-B
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