Sunday, March 1, 2009

How am i gonna explain the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus to my classmates

How am i gonna explain the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus to my classmates?
how am i gonna explain the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus to my classmates in such a way that they would understand?? its for my report and this is due before midterms... pls help me :) thanks a lot^_^
Diabetes - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well your fellow classmates should be just as intelligent as you are and are capable of understanding the pathology / physiology of diabetes. The definition of the disease itself is explained in pretty simple terms. As long as you are sure to explain the terminology such as define what Hypoglycemia, Insulin, Hypoglycemia, etc... is then they should get it when you are giving your report. The important thing is that you have a good understanding of diabetes so that you can put it into your own words which your classmates can relate too.
2 :
Put it in terms of everyday statistics. I like to hear stats on things and relate it to people. So if you are talking about type 2 diabetes then share some stats about how many people are affected and how many people could change that with diet and exercise. That usually keeps an audience. If you are then talking about type 1 diabetes I think "seeing the big picture" is key. So start with the job of the pancreas and then move to how the insulin works in the body. When you then have to start talking about what manifestations you will see with type 1, then it will all make more sense to people. ie lack of circulating insulin thus increasing blood glucose levels. After that, move into complications.
3 :
I wrote this up for a lot of folks in my family that don't have a lot of education. It should be easy to understand.

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