Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Does milk really suck? Or is it nutritional

Does milk really suck? Or is it nutritional?
We are the only mammals besides cats who drink milk after infancy. The odd thing is that after infancy, instead of continuing drinking our others milk, we drink cow milk. On milksucks.com it tells you how keeping your bones strong are easier than you think, and milk isn't required to do the job. In fact, there is an article on why milk and dairy products WON'T help you maintain healthy bones. Got Breast Cancer? Milksucks.com says this: Consuming dairy products is linked to an increased risk for breast cancer because dairy products are high in fat, animal protein, and hormones, each of which increases cancer risk. Since the 1980’s, study after study has linked dairy consumption to a high incidence of breast and other cancers. Women seeking to minimize their chances of breast cancer should avoid milk, other dairy products, and meat." What about heart disease? Milksucks.com says: Since the early 1970s, study after study after study has implicated cow's milk and other dairy products as a cause of heart disease and clogged arteries. One researcher, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn from the Cleveland Clinic (the top-rated heart clinic in the U.S.), makes people "heart attack-proof" by putting them on a vegan diet (check out his groundbreaking paper in the American Journal of Cardiology, August 99). Do you or your teens have acne? Will drinking milk make you greasy, grimy, and pimply? Some doctors suspect that the fat, animal protein, sugar, and hormones in milk irritate the skin, causing break-outs. Dr. Jerome K. Fisher conducted a clinical study of 1,088 teen-age patients over 10 years and reported to the American Dermatological Association that milk was a principal contributor to some patients' acne. Dr. Fisher found that their acne tapered off as their milk consumption did. Are your kids sick? Cow's milk is the number one source of allergies in children, and research links consumption of dairy products, including cow's milk, to colic (stomach cramps), autism, chronic ear infections, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 or "juvenile-onset" diabetes), acne, obesity, flatulence, constipation, mucus, and a variety of other ailments. So the question is: Is milk as good as we think it is?
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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1 :
i don't know. i am open for info i notice i get sick when i drink milk i don't drink it any more. that is a wonderful question

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Friday, August 24, 2012

My great pyrennes

My great pyrennes?
I have a nine year old Great Pyrenees (male), named Bear. I took him in four years ago after he was dumped in the woods out of town. He was heart worm positive, so I had him treated. The treatment resulted in him developing Diabetes Mellitus. The diabetes then took his eye sight. You can't tell though because he runs and plays and gets around very well. The reason I am writing is because I rent a house. Bear loves to dig deep holes. I am in trouble of losing my home because of these holes. This is very hard for me, but I am hoping you could tell me how to find him a wonderful home. He is a wonderful dog. It would have to be someone willing to inject him with insulin twice a day. I really wish I could keep him, but my family needs a home too. Would you tell me who I could contact? Thank you very much.
Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
www.petfinder.com Do a 'pet search' for his breed, look for a rescue in your area or nationwide- in this dire situation, let a rescue rehome, don't try to do it yourself.
2 :
you could put an ad in your local paper and see where that goes, you could call any vet and put posting up regarding your dog. why do you have to get rid of your dog? cause he is digging holes? welll you can be evicted from your home cause of that, as long as you cover the holes up afterwards then it shouldn't be a problem.\ you could also find an organization that rescues dogs and go from there
3 :
Instead of getting rid of the dog, train him not to dig. Dogs dig for a number of reasons, often just to release pent up energy. Is there a park nearby that you can go and run with him, play fetch, etc. Anything to get him out and moving. if the spot he digs is the same, then you can also put something in the hole and barely cover it. Something like a blown up balloon. Then, as he digs, his nails will pop the balloon. In theory, this will scare him. Usually only a few times and he will get the message that digging is not good. And make sure when he's outside that someone is with him. As soon as he starts to dig, give a firm "no dig" and refocus his attention on a game of fetch or something else. If you absolutely must give hiim up, I would suggest checking your local area for the Great Pyr rescue organization.
4 :
You can try your local animal rescue organization. I know Great Pyrenees qualify for the Gentle Giants organization I think in Southern California. They take all kinds of large dogs in with all types of conditions and place them in loving families. They have a strict adoption policy so that you know that he will be placed in a good place. Or you can try finding a place for him by place an ad on petfinder.com. There are a lot of places that you can place him where they wouldn't put him down if you're willing to look. Good Luck
5 :
Look for a rescue in your state. You can stop his digging if you simply bury his own poo in a hole where he digs. He could still dig elsewhere, but it will stop that hole where you put it. This works on all dogs. Also, at this age, you must know he is near the end of his natural life span. If the unthinkable happens, and you have to have the dog put down, just KNOW in your heart of hearts that he has been as happy as possible for the last 4 years. Even if you find a home for him, he won't have a long time left. With the extent of his illness, putting him to sleep might be an option if you have to do it. I am so sorry you can't keep him. I can tell you love him.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Anatomy, help with questions please

Anatomy, help with questions please?
1. The endocrine structure that developes from the nervous system is the anterior pituitary. a) T b) F 2. Peptide hormones enter the target cells and elicit a response by mediating neurotransmitter effects. a) T b) F 3. Growth Hormone always exerts its influence by targeting other endocrine glands to produce hormones. a) T b) F 4. Diabetes insipdus and diabetes mellitus are both caused by a genetic mutation involving the synthesis of insulin. a) T b) F 5. The stimulus for calcitonin release is usually excessive amounts of growth hormone synthesis. a) T b) F 6. Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system. a) T b) F 7. All peptide hormone synthesis requires gene activation that produces mRNA. a) T b) F 8. It is necessary for the testes to be kept below body temperature. a) T b) F 9. The primary function of the testes is to produce testosterone a) T b) F
Diabetes - 1 Answers
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1 :
1. False. The POSTERIOR pituitary is formed from nervous tissue. The anterior pituitary is made from glandular epithelial tissue. 2. False. Although some peptide hormones can affect neurotransmitter reception, they DO NOT enter the target cells. All of their DIRECT interaction occurs on the surface of the cell. The signal can then be transmitted into the cell via second messenger systems, if needed. As a general rule, because the cell membrane is hydrophobic, only hydrophobic hormones (ie steriod & thyroid hormones) can enter the cell. All other hormones act on cell surface receptors. 3. False. Growth Hormone (GH) has many metabolic roles and can act directly on systemic tissues to cause a desired effect without the mediation of another gland/hormone. For example, GH acts to promote growth in certain cellular connective tissues by enhancing cell growth and division, as well as inhibiting apoptosis. 4. False. Diabetes insipidus is caused by a deficiency in vasopressin. Diabetes mellitus has two causes: a) genetic mutation resulting in insufficient synthesis of insulin (type I) b) normal insulin synthesis, but the target cells don't respond appropriately to the insulin (type II) 5. False. The stimulus for calcitonin release is usually excessive extracellular Ca+ concentrations. 6. False (again!) Second messenger system by definition does NOT act through direct gene activation. This statement is exactly opposite of truth. 7. True. Peptide hormones are proteins, and therefore must be synthesized like any other exocytosed protein. 8. This one is kinda worded poorly... depends on how you define "necessary". it's necessary to keep testes below body temperature IF YOU WANT SPERM PRODUCTION. but if you ignore sperm production, and allow the testes to equilibrate with body temperature, the testes can still secrete testosterone. Use your own descrimination with this question. 9. Again this is a tricky question. the testes have TWO primary functions: production of testosterone and production of sperm. Use your own descrimination with this question. hope this helps! email me back if you need anything else!

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Informed Consent for Infant formula.

Informed Consent for Infant formula.?
This product has been know to cause: death, thrush, obesity, diabetes, necrotizing enterocolitis, ear infections, pneumococcal disease, respiratory infections, salmonellas, sepsis in preterm infants, urinary tract infections, anemia and iron deficiency, autoimmune thyroid disease, constipation and anal fissures, esophageal and gastrid lesions, gastroesophogeal reflux, inguinal hernia, pyloric stenosis, SIDS, wheezing, allergies, eczema, lower IQ, lower visual acuity, delayed speech and language development, appendicitis, lower bone mass, cancer, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, celiac disease, diabetes mellitus, meningitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, obesity, schizophrenia and tonsillitis. We cannot guarantee, however that you will receive any benefits from this study. Do you think this should be required information for all families? For those of you that have jumped on the negative bandwagon, all of this information has been well documented in medical journals. I did both with my twins, breast and bottle. On alcohol they have warnings because it is a dangerous substance, so is formula. It is undeniable that it kills 1.5 million children per year. WIC in many states is having people sign an informed consent with this information. I am just seeing what others think. If you don't agree with facts you don't have to be rude. ^ Lucas A, Cole TJ (1990). "Breast milk and neonatal necrotising enterocolitis". Lancet 336 (8730): 1519–23. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(90)93304-8. PMID 1979363. ^ Duncan B, Ey J, Holberg CJ, Wright AL, Martinez FD, Taussig LM (1993). "Exclusive breast-feeding for at least 4 months protects against otitis media". Pediatrics 91 (5): 867–72. PMID 8474804. ^ Levine OS, Farley M, Harrison LH, Lefkowitz L, McGeer A, Schwartz B (1999). "Risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease in children: a population-based case-control study in North America". Pediatrics 103 (3): E28. doi:10.1542/peds.103.3.e28. PMID 10049984. ^ Bachrach VR, Schwarz E, Bachrach LR (2003). "Breastfeeding and the risk of hospitalization for respiratory disease in infancy: a meta-analysis". Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 157 (3): 237–43. PMID 12622672. ^ Holberg CJ, Wright AL, Martinez FD, Ray CG, Taussig LM, Lebowitz MD (1991). "Risk factors for respiratory syncytial virus-associated lower respiratory illnesses in the If you want a specific journal article I can send a link... For the lady that wanted info on appendicitis, here is the link http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/310/6983/836
Newborn & Baby - 16 Answers
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1 :
What the hell is this? Hey troll thanks for joining just yesterday....
2 :
I'm confused.... what product? Baby formula? It is also important to note that all of these conditions are possible with breastfed babies too. I know because I was breastfed and I have/had a number of these conditions.
3 :
It is people like you who make mothers who are incapable of producing milk or mothers of premature children feel like bad parents. There are women in the world who would do anything to breastfeed their child but cannot due to circumstances out of their control. Your narrow mindedness makes me absolutely sick to my stomach and I hope that no one who reads this feels badly, as that was obviously your intent.
4 :
Appendicitis? Link please to research linking formula with appendicitis?
5 :
Do you think breastfeeding activists should be able to scaremonger formula feeding parents? If the answer is yes, then sure.
6 :
Absolutely, and of course many more than you have suggested. AND it needs a big ol' black box just like cigarettes (I live in Canada no sure what other countries have this is what I am talking about: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cdc.gov/PCD/issues/2007/apr/images/06_0024.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cdc.gov/PCD/issues/2007/apr/06_0024.htm&h=1151&w=443&sz=84&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=C19IM9F3AkyRVM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=58&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcanadian%2Bcigarette%2Bpackage%2Bwarnings%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/824955.jpg%3Fv%3D1%26c%3DViewImages%26k%3D2%26d%3D17A4AD9FDB9CF1936808AB6AB7C5FBAB4E177BF6F1632E1D284831B75F48EF45&imgrefurl=http://www.jamd.com/image/g/824955&h=354&w=487&sz=37&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=Y9ORP5TAuPvfxM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcanadian%2Bcigarette%2Bpackage%2Bwarnings%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX ) However my biggest issue is with hospitals handing out formula products (coupons, gift bags, etc). Seriously you don't see McDonald's getting the hospitals to push their product. You don't even see hospitals pushing vitamins, gyms, cars, carseats, safety products, stop smoking aids, etc. My other problem is that most parents are unaware that POWDERED infant formula is not a sterile product and should basically not be used. And if you are going to use it you have to follow very strict handling procedures. http://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/micro/pif2007/en/
7 :
please peddle your propaganda elsewhere...the mothers on this board, whether BF or formula feeding don't need you shoving this down their throats...you aren't helping anyone.
8 :
If you can't breastfeed I recommend home-made formula. There are a lot of recipes for home-made formula that are considered safe.
9 :
No because none of those are true. You can't pin ear infections and other situations exclusively on formula at all. That is the most UNINFORMED and ignorant statement I've ever heard or read. My son was a formula baby and he NEVER had any of those things. He's a healthy happy toddler now on solid table food alone and he does great. He still does NOT have any of those things. Besides that arthritis, diabetes, blood pressure, autism and many others are INHERITED not something you catch like a cold. SIDS is not caused by food either. It's caused by suffocation or inability to be properly breathing in one's sleep. Not all kids are prone to it, they have done studies to prove that SIDS babies usually have a family history of SIDS all ready. So should it be mandatory NO. It isn't true and people that believe this are idiots that have been brainwashed. There is also no proof that every kid that is breastfed won't develop these problems as a result. I've known just as many kids who were breast fed that have asthma and respiratory problems, constipated continually, won't eat later on when they start solids and other problems. Things my formula fed son NEVER dealt with. You can't generalize and say if you feed this or that your kid will have this or that because of the later. That's like saying all kids born with red hair will be killers when they grow up or kids with blonde hair are all stupid and ditzy and brunettes will have all the brains and success. There is NO PROOF to back those claims up and no proof to back up this nonsense about formula either. Stop researching on the internet through formula hate groups and use some solid proof. You sound like an idiot touting this as fact when it's not. It's a broad generalization that maybe .05% of children perhaps who may have had one of those happen that coincidentally may have been fed formula. It does NOT mean every kid that has ever been fed formula is a deformed unhealthy kid. Give me a break.
10 :
Yes, all of the things you listed are true but most people already know all of those things (even the ones who choose formula). I suppose it's the same as warnings on cigarettes. I think that it's much more important to tell people the benefits of breastfeeding and to stress that FORMULA IS NOT THE SAME AS BREASTMILK. There needs to be more support for breastfeeding women and less interference by formula companies. I do know that there are countries in Europe where formula is a prescription item (though I don't imagine the labels read like your question) and they have breasfeeding rates that are 8 to 9 times higher than the US's. I imagine that the correlation has more to do with support for breastfeeding than opposition to formula use, though.
11 :
What the heck is this? I believe breastfeeding is so wonderful and I am so glad to be able to bond with and nourish my baby in this way, but to fearmonger like this just to make people feel bad who can't breastfeed is dickheadish. And FYI, my mom formula fed my older sister and breastfed me. I have ulcerative colitis, got sick ALL the time every flu/cold season that would last weeks and weeks as a kid, and have hypothyroidism. My sister had/has none of these problems and was always the most physically fit. She even taught aerobics through college. She graduated top of her class and has a Master's degree. Boy, that formula really messed her up, huh? I did great, but was the kid with the health issues in our family, and I was BF for 18 months. I certainly don't think it's because of my mom's breastmilk. It's just shitty luck. Is breast best? I believe so. But that doesn't mean you should be writing a bunch of stupid crap to scare the shit out of people using formula just because you don't agree with them. Just leave people the hell alone and go troll somewhere else. Addendum: For powdered infant formulas, yes I believe there should be a clear notice that it is not sterile and can contain bacteria and steps to take to prepare it safely. Or perhaps only offer concentrated liquid that has been pasteurized and stop jacking up the price on that kind. But to say that all infant formula across the board is going to basically kill your baby is f'd up.
12 :
Bullshit. I agree that breastmilk is best, but some Mother's cant produce any, like those who have premature babies. Thanks for making them feel guilty for something that isn't their fault. Jerk.
13 :
I was a formula fed infant due to my mother acquiring a serious bacterial infection after her c-section (I was a breech baby). I have a VERY high IQ, hold multiple degrees in the life sciences, work in research, and am extremely healthy. Peddle your gunk-science elsewhere. This forum is to help parents, not to mis-inform or to scare.
14 :
stop judging you don't walk in anybodies shoes. people like you just need to keep there mouth shuts. for one not all people can breastfeed and it's not nice to post stuff like that to freak people out i have to say that you are very wrong.
15 :
So what you're saying is that if my son (who was breastfed for 8 months and has now been on formula for a month) develops ANY of these things, I can use formula as a scapegoat? If you believe all this garbage then DON'T USE IT. No one is forcing you. By the way, he also has a better chance of developing juvenile diabetes through my family's genes as opposed to formula.
16 :
I think informed consent for use of infant formula is a good idea. I don't think the information you've posted in your question is defensible, however.

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Can someone help me answer a few medical questions

Can someone help me answer a few medical questions?
1. a group of symptoms marked by edema, proteinuria, an hypoalbuminemia.... a. renal ischemia b.essential hypertension c. polycystic kidney d. nephrotic syndrome. e . diabetes mellitus 2. high levels of ketones in the blood can lead to .... a. high pH of urine. b.acidosis c. excessive elimination of fats d. diabetes insipidus e. low specific gravity 3. childhood renal carcinoma a. hypernephroma b. plycystic kidney c. glomerulonephritis d. wilms tumor. e. phenylketonuria 4. test that measures the amount of urea in the blood a. ivp b rp c. bun d . vcu e creatinine clearence test
Health Care - 1 Answers
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1 :
You need to read your book. These are questions you should know as a nurse. If you cannot answer them yourself now, don't expect to pass in your NCLEX.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is meat eating a major cause of disease

Is meat eating a major cause of disease?
• Meat and Diabetes: A high consumption of saturated fatty acids can lead to an insulin resistance and encourages the development of diabetes mellitus. Animal products generally contain a lot of saturated fatty acids. • Meat and Obesity: Saturated fatty acids further the development of being overweight. Being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and circulatory disorders. • Meat and Bones: On the average, meat products contain more phosphorus then calcium. A raised phosphorus/calcium ratio results in an increased release of calcium from the bones. As some studies have shown, there is a close relationship between a high dietary consumption of phosphates and a raised risk of osteoporosis and broken bones. • Meat and Cancer: The National Institute of Health, the largest medical research institution in the world, determined in 2001 an increased risk of cancer with the consumption of red meat. Argentina and Uruguay are some of the world’s largest consumers of beef and also belong to the countries with the highest rates of breast and colon cancer. A study by the University of Minnesota published in September 2002 shows that the consumption of barbecued red meat promotes the development of pancreatic cancer. Taken from this site: http://www.universal-life.cc/english/animals/what_has_eyes_s443_layout2.htm What do you think?
Other - Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
It is said to be... But i love meat.
2 :
No I think Eating More And Moving less is the major cause of heart disease. Eating Meat and exercise won't do much to your body.
3 :
Yes. Disease is caused by free radicals. Meat does not have any antioxidants. Raw meat dies, but not cooked.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

1 year old dog, possible kidney issues, vet says food allergies

1 year old dog, possible kidney issues, vet says food allergies?
My basset/beagle is a little over a year old. He has been tested for diabetes mellitus, and kidney disease, has neither. They think it might be diabetes insipidus. Does anybody know anything about that? Basically they think he doesn't concentrate his urine. I have been told by my vet he shows signs of food allergies. With no idea what he is actually allergic to, how do I begin to figure that out? I don't know what to eliminate from his diet. He eats taste of the wild, which is grain free, right now. Any advice on the kidney issues, or food issues would be great!
Dogs - 3 Answers
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1 :
My little toy poodle developed serious skin problems around six months of age. After several tests that turned up nothing, the vet theorized she had allergies. The first thing he had me do was put her on a Science Diet formula for sensitive stomachs. She was not fed anything else for several months except this food, which she didn't like. When we determined she did indeed have allergies, we began to experiment a little with food. She now eats a lamb and rice formula by Iams because she allergic to beef. If your vet doesn't have good advice for your dog about a diet to try, you can always call other veterinarians and see if they have recommendations of a good food. The hardest thing is keeping your dog out of everything else.
2 :
Too high a protein food will only aggravate a kidney issue. I'm going to take a (not so wild) guess and say you are feeding either the High Prairie or Wetlands formula, which are both over 30% protein. If you wish to continue using TOTW switch to the Pacific Stream formula which is 25% protein, otherwise switch to a different brand of food.
3 :
I know of no food allergies which cause a dog not to be able to concentrate his urine. Food allergies may cause separate symptoms that you have not covered (in your post) and your dog could have more than one problem. The urine issue is far more serious. Not being able to concentrate his urine is a symptom of diabetes insipidus, but it can also be a sign of some other problems, so further testing is in order. The diagnostic tests recommended will help differentiate DI from these other conditions that can cause excessive thirst and urination: Diabetes mellitus (excessive sugar in the blood) Renal glycosuria (excessive sugar in the urine, but not diabetic) Chronic kidney failure Pyometra (infection of the uterus) Hypercalcemia, a condition of excessively high calcium levels in the blood, which can be caused by hyperparathyroism (due to a tumor on the parathyroid) Liver failure Hyperadrenocorticism, also called Cushing's disease, a condition of overactive adrenal glands (can also be caused by use or steroids such as prednisone.) Pyelonephritis, an infection of the kidneys Hypokalemia (low potassium levels in the blood) Hypoadrenocorticism, also called Addison's disease, a condition of underactive adrenal glands Hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid activity) Acromegaly (excessive production of growth hormone) Psychogenic polydipsia (excessive drinking due to psychological reasons, such as a change in the pet's environment Dogs can be allergic to any ingredients, but most often it is grain, followed by cooked meat (all kibble or canned food is cooked) or some vegetables (like peas) used in many dog foods. You can look into feeding a raw diet of just a couple of ingredients: meat & bones (or a calcium equivalent like 1/2 egg shell per meal or 1/2 tsp bone meal per meal). You could just change to a food with less ingredients (like California Natural) by Innova. Less ingredients, means less things to try & eliminate from the diet.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Can someone be allowed to not keep Roza

Can someone be allowed to not keep Roza?
Asasalam Alaikum everyone! Well, my father has diabetes type 2 and everyone's been telling him that he's excused from observing Roza. And being a Biology student I know that a person suffering from Diabetes Mellitus should not go without food intake for long since their catabolism is quite high. So that means their body burns out food faster. And I know that people travelling or very ill ARE relieved from keeping Roza. So can my father..umm...not keep Roza? Is he excused or not? Thanks!!:) P.S. But he IS keeping them anyway. He might miss a couple of days later if he feels unable to cope. But he always observes all Rozas.
Ramadan - 8 Answers
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1 :
I think probably there is a deeper wisdom in the rituals than medical science has access to, so it may make perfect sense to keep it.
2 :
if he is taking medecine take one before sunset, evening and night. thats what my uncle does and he has no problem with it.
3 :
well since i am not that much into biology i just know a few things about it i dont know what i am saying is right or not. but if it is dibaties then why dosent he take the meds in sehri and then in iftari and then before sleeping? that would be a good idea no? though since i am not a medical student i dont know much. but he should try to keep fasts. but if it is fatal to him then he should not observe fasts. and if it is very dangerous for him to take fasts then it might even be not liked according to islam for him to keep fasts. but if he is healthy and can take fasts then he should. PIECES!!!
4 :
Yes. Allowed. Nothing to force when someone is ill. Allah is kind.
5 :
6 :
Salam!! So I read an article type in yahoo "answer"from a user to an asker about Ramadan he/she mentioned according to Islam that if someone is ill and can't fast during Ramadan he/she can skip for only that time but must makeup afterwards when the person is able to... So if he is I'll and can't fast cuz of his illness he can makeup afterwards when he is ready before I think next Ramadan walikum assalam hope I helped:)
7 :
Adult diabetes can cause complications, he may need to eat or drink something. He is exempt. The fact that he had intent will get him the rewards either way. He never has to fast. If he takes shots or medicine will also make him exempt. Some people have been know to fast. Perhaps, a medical doctor can convince him not to fast. None is likely to say he should. But who is ill or on a journey shall fast a similar number of days later on. Allah desires your well-being, not your discomfort. (2:183-185)
8 :
Same!!! My own father has Diabetes and he has to take medicine to control it, he also keeps it on weekends (When he is not at work) but cannot keep it at work... He is excused as he needs the medicine, I'm sure its okay....x Ramadan Mubara, sister!

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