Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cookie induced diabetes

Cookie induced diabetes?
Roughly how many Oreos can I consume before I develop diabetes mellitus type 2? I just ate between 40 and 45. Should I forget about it or go buy some insulin? Note: assume my diet is fairly balanced otherwise
Diabetes - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
None. Diabetes is in no way caused by sugar - any form of it. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease. Basically all of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are attacked and can no longer make insulin, resulting in Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 can be caused by a number of things. A sedentary lifestyle, weight, and genetics can all contribute to developing type 2 diabetes, but they themselves are not direct causes of it, nor are they the only contributors.
2 :
As long as that is not a how you normally eat, you should have no long term side-effects from gorging yourself on cookies. Diabetes is not caused by food
3 :
3bn. Just relax and enjoy your life for goodness sake!!! Cookies are not going to kill you. Eating 20+ cookies with every fried chicken/pizza meal and never exercising for 25 years, THAT might kill you. If yu worry about that, you'll die of stress before you get diabetes.
4 :
You don't get diabetes from eating cookies. Why do people think you can get diabetes from eating sweets? I've been a diabetic for 27 years (I've had it since I was 11years old). I didn't eat alot of sweets as a kid. Diabetes is caused when your pancreas either doesn't make any insulin or doesn't' make enough. This is not caused from eating 50 Oreos. There are many causes family history, weight, they have even done studies thinking it may be caused from a virus. BTW if you take insulin and you don't have diabetes it will kill you. Your blood sugar will drop so quickly you will go into shock and die. Why would you want to get diabetes? I've lived with it most of my life and it isn't fun. You have to watch what and how much you eat. You have to test your blood sugar often. It effects so many parts of your body. I've lost a lot of feeling in my feet and hands. My Uncle who was a diabetic and didn't take care of himself lost half of his right foot before he died of a heart attack (Diabetics have heart troubles). You can lose your sight etc....... Besides you have to have a perscription for most insulins today.

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