Friday, January 28, 2011

Which is the best early indicator for diabetic nephropathy

Which is the best early indicator for diabetic nephropathy?
A 25-year-old man has had type 1 diabetes mellitus for 5 years. His physician is concerned about the possibility of permanent renal damage. Which is the best early indicator for diabetic nephropathy?
Medicine - 5 Answers
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tingling sensation, progressive blinding
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Hightened response to insulin ie same insulin dose increases hypoglycemic effect,and Serum creatinine exceeding 2mgs/dl.
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Symptoms Throughout its early course, diabetic nephropathy has no symptoms. Symptoms develop in late stages and may be a result of excretion of high amounts of protein in the urine or due to renal failure: swelling -- usually around the eyes in the mornings; later, general body swelling may result foamy appearance or excessive frothing of the urine unintentional weight gain (from fluid accumulation) swelling of the legs, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, general ill feeling, fatigue, headache, frequent hiccups and generalized itching. The first laboratory abnormality is a positive microalbuminuria test. Most often, the diagnosis is suspected when a routine urinalysis of a person with diabetes shows too much protein in the urine (proteinuria). The urinalysis may also show glucose in the urine, especially if blood glucose is poorly controlled. Serum creatinine and BUN may increase as kidney damage progresses. Please see the webpages for more details on Diabetic Nephropathy.
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