Sunday, November 4, 2012

Molecular Biology question I don't have an answer for

Molecular Biology question I don't have an answer for?
Which of the following mechanisms would NOT explain the decrease in beta-pancreatic cells in Diabetes Mellitus Type I patients? a) Absence of beta-pancreatic stem cells. b) Necrosis due to free radicals produced by macrophages c) Lysis due to water intake through perforins secreted by CD8+ T cells. d) Apoptosis due to cytochrome c release because of a change in membrane potential of the mytochrondia in beta-pancreatic cells e) Apoptosis by activation of the intrinsic path by union of Fas in CD4+ T cells and Fas ligand in beta-pancreatic cells... I've got an idea of which might be but I'm really not sure.
Biology - 1 Answers
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As a guess I'd say "e" because I haven't heard of FasL/FasR being involved in pancreatic cell death.

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