Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Each of the tiles matches one of the descriptions associated with diabetes mellitus.

Each of the tiles matches one of the descriptions associated with diabetes mellitus.?
•Polydipsia •Obesity •Glycosuria •Metabolic acidosis •Hyperglycaemia a feature of Type-II rather than type-I diabetes mellitus. seen when the requirment for insulin is greater than is secretion 3.causes an osmotic diuresis 4.diuresis leads to dehydration which promotes thirst and drinking. 5.can cause respiratory compensation leading to hyperventilation.
Medicine - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1. obesity 2. Hyperglycemia 3. Polydipsia 4. ANother guess 5. a wrong guess
2 :
if you switch 4 and 5 you will have it right. the respiratory compensation is due to diabetic ketoacidosis- a more specific definition of the type of metabolic acidosis- you breath harder to blow of the CO2 and reduce the acid. The diuresis is due to too glycosuria which causes a osmotic diuresis- reducing your volume and you end up activating thirst centers and start drinking. Other complex events also occur but in a nut shell this covers it.
3 :
1. Obesity-- is only related to Type II. With type I, you see thin young kids. 2. Hyperglycemia-- high blood sugar needs more insulin than is secreted. 3.Glycosuria-- how osmolality works--is when there is too much glucose/solutes, water is pulled into that area 4. Polydipsia-- excessive thirst and drinking 5. Metabolic acidosis-- results from diabetic ketoacidosis (caused by build up of fat digestion products--ketones-- due to lack of usable glucose, the body has digested fat). Rapid breathing/respiratory compensation is a symptom of ketoacidosis. Acidosis can lead to severe illness/death. Deena, you need to understand these yourself. Please review your book! I encourage you to do that for learning sake.

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