Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What are the reasons why a patient with diabetes mellitus 2 has high triglycerides level

What are the reasons why a patient with diabetes mellitus 2 has high triglycerides level?
And what is the reason why a diabetic patient is still thin even he eats a lot of food? pls give me some FACTS... and specific reason! tnx
Diabetes - 2 Answers
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1 :
in type 2 insulin ( the hormone which utilizes glucose ) is high but tissues are less sensitive to it therefore glucose is less utilized by the body glucose is the source of energy his energy levels are low so he eats alot glucose storage is limited to a certain amount , and the rest are either disposed or turned into fat insulin prevents lipolysis (fat breakdown) then fat builds up. and triglycerides are forms of fat
2 :
Ninjako is right, nuf said.

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