Friday, October 24, 2008

In diabetes mellitus is it true that the amount of epinephrine in the blood is too high

In diabetes mellitus is it true that the amount of epinephrine in the blood is too high?

Diabetes - 3 Answers
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1 :
No, it means your pancreas is tired or not working or your diet sucks- or all of the above. epinephrine puts stress on your system and can make your BS go up
2 :
No. If you are a diabetic, your insulin level is low (if you are type 1 or juvenile onset), or high (if you are type 2 or adult onset.) In both, the defect in insulin regulation leads to high blood glucose level. In people who are on treatment for diabetes (pills or insulin injections), can have "hypo's" where your blood glucose is abnormally low. This is often the result of the diabetic medication dose being too high, or you haven't eaten enough. When you have a low blood glucose, one of the mechanisms that your body uses to raise your blood glucose back to normal/acceptable level is to release a ubstance called glucagon from your pancreas. The other mechanism is for your adrenal to release epinephrine. Both witll bring the glucose level up. High circulating level of epinephrine can be due to a lot of things (exercise, stress, epinephrine-producing tumor, low glucose), but it doesn't cause diabetes, nor is it a consequence of diabetes.
3 :
all i know is that vasopressin is slow so that it can not suppress urine and chromium is also affected so the sugar is not stable

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