Monday, October 1, 2012

WHY! 25 point bonus*

WHY! 25 point bonus*?
a,b,c, or d answers PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS QUIZ! its for my health class! 1. Which of the following factors is most clearly associated with premature death caused by heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and diabetes mellitus? sexually transmitted infections polluted air lack of immunizations for children poor choice in fitness and nutrition 2. What is the most common mood disorder resulting in a constant state of sadness? bipolar disorder schizophrenia depression paranoia 3. What are signs and symptoms of the stress response? increased heart rate, increased digestion, increased breathing, increased energy decreased heart rate, increased digestion, decreased breathing, decreased energy increased heart rate, decreased digestion, decreased breathing, increased energy increased heart rate, decreased digestion, increased breathing, increased energy 4. Taking time to sleep eight hours a night, eat properly, wear a helmet, and exercise sixty minutes daily will best maintain which of the following? physical health social health spiritual health emotional health mental health 5. Which of the following describes the best way to express anger? Shake your fist and yell at someone who accidentally ran into you with their shopping cart. Don't talk to anyone at home for one week because you had your feelings hurt at a party. When told you didn't get the promotion at work, go out and garden or run. Get mad because you failed your test, and eat everything you can possibly find. 6. What is any action or condition that may impair our health called? a disability physical health a risk factor an inherited trait 7. What are characteristics, or traits, acquired from our parents called? environmental traits genetic traits cultural traits spiritual traits 8. Which of the following is the best definition of quality of life? freedom from illness and disease nutritious food leading to a lot of energy overall satisfaction that a person gets from life one's ability to pay his or her own bills 9. When making a decision, which of the following should a person not always consider? how it reflects one's own personal values risks that may increase the possibility of injury benefits of the choice peers' opinions 10. Of the following, which would be the LEAST reliable website for health information? 11. Which of the following identifies the well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people? health fitness risk factor heredity 12. Adam fails the test on the digestive system in class. He tells his teacher the reason he failed the test was that his mother had been too demanding that he do the household chores, so he had no time to study. What defense mechanism is he using? projection denial reaction-formation daydreaming 13. A person who has been fasting for twenty-four hours will most likely function on what level of needs? safety physical needs social needs self-esteem self-actualization 14. In what phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome does the body try to detect a change and start the fight-or-flight response to cope with it?? alarm resistance exhaustion eustress 15. Wayne has a good job but finds it difficult to get out of bed in the morning because he has no energy and has been feeling sad. In fact, he has called in sick ten days in one month. From which mood disorder may he be suffering? anxiety panic disorder depression obsessive-compulsive 16. How are genetic traits passed from one generation to the next? ATP DNA RNA STP 17. Anthony finds it difficult to work with Brittany because one week she is extremely happy and the next week she is very sad and withdrawn. From which mood disorder may Brittany be suffering? obsessive-compulsive disorder depression phobia bipolar disorder 18. The ability to work with others best describes which of the following? physical health social health spiritual health emotional health mental health 19. The "fight-or-flight response" is also called the stress response relaxation response sleep response facilitated response 20. What is the ma
Other - Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Girl you should read your text book for these answers like I did.
2 :
im pretty sure that this will earn at least a B... 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.d 10.a 11.a 12.c 13.b 14.d 15.c 16.b 17.d 18.b 19.a 20. ?

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