Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Preventive measures for diabetes mellitus

preventive measures for diabetes mellitus?
primary ,senconary and teritiary measures for diabetes mellitus
Diabetes - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The single most important step you can take in the prevention of diabetes is to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes many different aspects of your life. Eating a healthy diet is essential to helping your body to perform its normal tasks as naturally as possible. A regular exercise routine is essential to maintaining a healthy weight and in keeping your muscles toned, which allows your muscles to assist your internal organs in performing their tasks. Avoiding stress, or learning how to deal with stress in a healthy manner, helps your brain and nervous system to work with other parts of your body to perform the tasks needed to sustain life.
2 :
have the right weight. if needed, lose weight. eat foods which are low in glycemic index. get a healthy breakfast to start your day...everyday. healthy breakfast should be full of essential nutrients for the body after the "fast". for more info, visit the web site below and click on "healthy breakfast". eat 7 to 9 servings of colorful variety of fruits and vegetables a day. healthy meal = about 30% protein. about 20% to 30% fats, and about 40% to 50% carbs + sufficient micronutrients + water. = sufficient calories to support daily activities drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, depending on built/weight and activity. eat enough fiber per day, basically from fruits, veggies, complex carbs, and/or fiber-rich food supplements. cut down on your consumption of simple carbohydrates / sugars like white rice, pasta, donuts, pizza, and sodas. exercise regularly, also for cardiovascular / heart, muscle, and bone health. sleep about 8 hours a day. those who sleep less than 7 hours have great risk of gaining weight. take sufficient omega-3 for intestinal health and cellular health. avoid alcohol. the body converts alcohol into body fats. take food supplements to ensure you give your body enough nutrients per day.
3 :
You could try to incorporate some herbs like Amla, Neem, Ashwagandha, Aloe Vera, Chicory, Stevia and Gymnema into your daily routine. These herbs may help with sugar fluctuations..Check out http://www.desigram.com/Health/Conditions/Diabetes.html, they have other tips on diet and supplements related to diabetes.
4 :
Well, type 1 you can't prevent. They don't know what causes it exactly but the best guess right now is a mixture of genetics and an infection which cause the immune system to misidentify the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin as foreign and destroy them. Nothing you can do about this, if you get it you get it. Type 2 can be prevented through diet, exercise and generally keeping healthy, unless it's genetic in which case it can't be prevented. The problem with this type isn't lack of insulin it's just that the cells of the body don't respond to insulin as they should. Gestational diabetes, which develops in pregnancy, can't be prevented. All you can do is manage it extremely closely so the baby doesn't grow too large which could give problems during the delivery. It usually disappears after the delivery.
5 :
A non-diabetic does not have to worry about controlling blood sugar levels, as the body does that for them. A diabetic have to assist their bodies in doing this blood sugar control function. Now if you want to prevent diabetes, assist your body in doing the blood sugar control functions. Make it easy for your body to do the controlling of the sugar levels and you will be doing what is needed to prevent diabetes. What assists the body to control the sugar levels? (other than medication) 1) Healthy diet - something that everybody should do in any case 2) Regular exercise - something that everybody should do in any case

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