Friday, January 8, 2010

Why is urine colorless in diabetes mellitus?

why is urine colorless in diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Urine is colorless usually means that you are losing large volumes of water. It does not have time to concentrate to turn the "Yellow" color. When a person's sugar level is above 200 the osmolality(weight) of the blood puts extra pressure on the tiny capillaries in the kidneys and actually forces the water out of the blood. This is why it is important to keep your blood sugar under control. The sugar molecules cause damage to the capillaries and this leads to kidney damage. The more the damage the less the kidney will work and that is why a lot of patient's with diabetes are on Dialysis.
2 :
It's colourless [colorless] because of the amount of fluids being taken in ... and then excreted. (Your body does this in an attempt for your kidneys to dispose of the excess glucose from your bloodstream.)
3 :
Everyone with diabetes doesn't have colourless urine all the time, it's just that people with diabetes often have high blood sugar which makes as thirsty and drink a lot more than average so our urine is more dilute that it might be. In someone without diabetes this would mean that they are really well hydrated but for someone with diabetes we could still be badly dehydrated because the glucose in our blood removes water from our cells (it's osmotically active) and this is why we get so thirsty and dehydrated and still pee a lot! Hope that helps xxx
4 :
Urine should ALWAYS be colorless, or have just a slightly "golden" color to it. It should be completely clear, not cloudy, and with nothing floating in it. The yellow color of your urine is caused by various chemical that your body gets rid of. Dark Yellow urine often means dehydration -- you need to drink more WATER. Red, pink, or brown urine indicates blood. if you see this you MUST call your doctor immediately.

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