Thursday, August 12, 2010

Who transmittits diabetes mellitus

who transmittits diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
diabetes is not transmitted.
2 :
It's not transmitted, but it is multifactorial - it can be familial and passed from parents to offspring.
3 :
its not some sort of infectious stuff to be transmitted.. but then studies say it can be genetically aquired.
4 :
I agree with everyone else.
5 :
it is not transmitted it is a defected gene that u are born with that lies dormant until it is triggered by an illness. unfortunately, i know all too well it can skip generation and then it can also take the parents, children, and the brothers and sisters. in our case my son got it when he was 16 months old( he is 12years old now) and his father didn't get it until 2 years ago.
6 :
diabetes is a non-communable disease and u are not born with it ,in the lower part of your belly you have a thing called a pancreas that develops glucose when things goes wrong with it it either produces to much glucose or to little glucose......

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