Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Can you please help me answer these questions for my health class

Can you please help me answer these questions for my health class?
I'm taking the test right now and I need some help PLEASE! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! 36. How is hepatitis B typically transmitted? fecal-oral route bacteria and its spores contaminated blood or sexual contact breast-feeding 37. Which STD can cause blindness in a newborn baby if it infects the baby's eyes during the birth process while producing a greenish yellowish drainage from the reproductive organs of the infected adults? syphilis gonorrhea genital herpes chlamydia 38. Which STD begins as chancres or open lesions on the reproductive organs and can invade the nerous system causing difficulty speaking, headaches, blurred or diminishing vision, seisures, problems with memory and thinking, and depression? syphilis gonorrhea genital herpes chlamydia 39. Which organ is affected by hepatitis? brain stomach uterus liver 40. Which of the following is not a form of anthrax infection? digestive circulatory skin respiratory 41. The lack of which of the following hormones from the pancreas prevents the body from regulating its own blood sugar? insulin adrenaline testosterone melanin 42. Which of the following bacterial STDs is the most common in the United States causing the formation of a painless lesion which may result in scarring of the pelvic organs and sterility? gonorrhea genital warts syphilis chlamydia 43. What is the cause of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy? bacteria virus prion fungi 44. Which of the following best describes symptoms of BSE (Mad Cow Disease)? fatty plaque in the arteries leading to chest pain loss of the ability to sense, move, and think skin rash, digestive disturbances, and difficulty breathing severe headache or no symptoms at all 45. Which of the following best describes symptoms of diabetes mellitus? crushing chest pain, nausea, weakness, and fatigue excessive urination, thirst, and hunger flu-like symptoms, headache, and stiff neck loss of coordination on one side, slurred speech, and difficulty concentrating
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
It's considered poor form to post a laundry list of your homework questions on Y!A. I suggest you Google each term or look it up in your glossary. You'll be a better person for it. Good luck in your studies, ~ Mitch ~

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