Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is the difference b/w diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus

what is the difference b/w diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus?

Biology - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
believe that it's type 1 and type 2 type 1 requires insulin shots daily type 2 usually is oral meds only
2 :
diabetis insipidus is due to the shortage of the harmone vasopressin due to which large amounts about 10 litres of urine is excreted every day.diabetes mellitus is due to shortage of insulin which helps in converting glucose into glucagon.diabetes mellitus is the common diabetes what we call
3 :
diabetes insipidus is also reported as hereditary disease where in excretion of urine is in excess . Whereas diabetes mellitus is commonly called as diabetes.
4 :
what i've learned is diabetes mellitus is caused by the lack of insulin produced by the beta cell in the islet of langerhans (glucose lvl increases) whereas diabetes insipidus is caused by the lack of the hormone,antidiuretic hormone which is produced by posterior pituitary gland.When ADH becomes less,it decreases the permeability of the renal tubules of nephron which reduces the rate of reabsorption of water back into the blood stream.Thus causes lots of water are excreted and our body will be dehydrated.
5 :
diabetes insipidus is casued mainey by adh not working in the brain this cos great thirts to drink anything up to 2 gllaons water a day....not self stertioning also the word diabetes is the right word cos it means to have a thrist,,, a need to drink so in that way its right to use it in meany ways DI is as bad as type 1 type2 i who have it should know rogue

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