Monday, January 4, 2010

Hhow does diabetes mellitus relate to glucose

how does diabetes mellitus relate to glucose?

Diabetes - 2 Answers
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1 :
D.M. is your body's inability to secrete/create the proper amount of insulin to control glucose levels in the blood.
2 :
Diabetes mellitus, my friend, is to do with the body's inability to control glucose concentration within the bloodstream. In type 1 diabetes the problem arises as the beta cells (islets of Langerhans), the organs within the pancreas that produce the hormone insulin, are destroyed. In type 2 diabetes the problem arises as the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, which is still being produced by the pancreas, and are therefore unable to utilise [utilize, if you're one of my American cousins] the glucose that's present within the bloodstream. There is also a third main type of diabetes called gestational diabetes, which affects pregnant women, that also affects the way that glucose is utilised. The good news is that with this type of diabetes mellitus it usually 'disappears' after the pregnancy. It does, however, leave the sufferer with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes at some stage of their life.

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