Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why the ketoacidosis does not occur for the patient with diabetes mellitus type 2

why the ketoacidosis does not occur for the patient with diabetes mellitus type 2?

Diabetes - 3 Answers
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1 :
because type 2 diabetics still produce some natural insulin. type 1's produce none. this causes the body to break down fatty acids into ketones, which can cause ketoacidosis. i think.
2 :
I am now 56 years old and for some reason I go through this Ketones situation every 4 - 5 years. December of 2008, I was 210 lbs with muscles on my body. I had energy and was ridding my paddle bike again after many months without worry. Suddenly, I was hit with a sick feeling. I found myself in the emergency room three times. My weight dropped all the way down to 122 lbs at one point with a BMI of 17.0 My muscles all disappeared from my body with 6 weeks. My weight was dropping off it seemed daily. It has been 14 months now, I still do not have any weight back onto my body again. I am still thin as a rail, the old people say. My current body weight is 125 lbs and still no muscle mass on my body and no fat either. I never went on any diets to get that way. It has happened to me four times now since, I was 20 years old up until the present time. My weight will come back up again but, it will take 2 - 3 years to do so, I hope. During these days it would not be unheard of for me to find Ketones in my urine. The Aurora Medical Center still insists that I have type 2 diabetes. I do not know what else to say about it. I am still learning about this disease since finding out about it back in 2004.
3 :
It can. Anyone can make ketones, not just a T1D. In the case of a person who makes insulin, even a type 2, their body makes more insulin. It just knows to make more. when a non-diabetic is sick with a flu (for example), we're vomiting and have diarrhea. We're making ketones. But our body stays ahead of it and most of the time we never knew we had them. It never gets to that danger zone... except in the case of a flu that goes on for a dangerous amount of time, or takes a person to dehydration levels, or even an anorexic. What people don't realize is that an anorexic doesn't die from anorexia, they die from ketoacidosis

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