Monday, December 1, 2008

Is diabetes mellitus type 2 the same thing as diabetes type 2

Is diabetes mellitus type 2 the same thing as diabetes type 2?
help, please :(. im a nursing student ... a new one.. and trying to do some paperwork in someone who has diabetes type 2. i keep finding stuff that comes up diabetes mellitus type it the same thing as regular diabetes type 2???? i'm confused.
Diabetes - 7 Answers
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1 :
2 :
same thing...don't nursing students have a tabor's encyclopedia these days? just wondering.
3 :
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. It is a disease characterized by persistent hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels). It is a metabolic disease that requires medical diagnosis, treatment and lifestyle changes. The World Health Organization recognizes three main forms of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes (or type 3, occurring during pregnancy)[1], although these three "types" of diabetes are more accurately considered patterns of pancreatic failure rather than single diseases. Type 1 is due to autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing cells, while type 2 and gestational diabetes are due to insulin resistance by tissues. Type 2 may progress to destruction of the insulin producing cells of the pancreas, but is still considered Type 2, even though insulin administration may be required.. Since the first therapeutic use of insulin (1921) diabetes has been a treatable but chronic condition, and the main risks to health are its characteristic long-term complications. These include cardiovascular disease (doubled risk), chronic renal failure (it is the main cause for dialysis in developed world adults), retinal damage which can lead to blindness and is the most significant cause of adult blindness in the non-elderly in the developed world, nerve damage, erectile dysfunction (impotence), to gangrene with risk of amputation of toes, feet, and even legs.
4 :
yes, these are the same. these both refer to diabetes that was not diagnosed as a young person. The type ii diabetics are usually older. But now, with rising obesity and poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle, we are seeing an onset of type ii at an earlier age, like the twenties. I like to think of it like this... type one diabetics are diagnosed at a younger age, under twenty. their pancreas never produced enough insulin to keep the blood sugars under control. type 2 diabetics, as a result of poor lifestyle, diet, excercise, have possibly worn out their pancreas, and it no longer secretes sufficient insulin to control the blood sugar. this is really not a textbook definition, this is just how i remember it. (however, not all type 2 diabetics are big, fat, and unhealthy. genetics do play a part). and also, easy tip, type I diagnosed young, before the type II, an older crowd. use chronology. I hope I havent totally confused you. I am a nurse in an internal medicine clinic and deal with this all day long. hope it helps.
5 :
Yes, it is, Melissa. That's exactly what I have. Good luck on becoming a nurse. ! :)
6 :
yes this is the same. DM type 2. You should read a bit more since this is basic nursing student stuff.
7 :
Someone along the way has shorten the name to just diabetes T1 because they are lazy but it IS the same. There are many forms but the "Myelitis" is the most common form of Diabetes. So someone said diabetes T1 or Type 2 and/or gestational and the shorter form was born!!! The correct and the professional way to refer to it is Diabetes Myelitis (and then the type) Along time ago referred it was also a NIDMT2 (or gestational) WRONG.... Non insulin diabetes type 2 is not a correct dx, either is IDDM. BUT ICD9 codes use this as a standard for billing. But I don't think nurses need to know that (unless you do self billing!) Good Luck with your training. Us Diabetics of all type's need you nurses to be well trained before working on us.

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